In today’s edition of West Seattle Crime Watch, four incidents found in SPD’s online files, plus a reader report:
STREET ROBBERY: Checking the SPD online records, we found this incident from Wednesday (October 12th). Police were called to North Admiral at 12:44 pm after someone called 911 to report a street robbery. The victim told police he was near Admiral and California, walking to a friend’s house, when he noticed someone walking behind him. The victim was talking on his phone when the person behind him came up, grabbed it out of his hands, and ran. He chased the robber to Ferry SW, asked for the phone back, and then was knocked down and hit by the robber, who ran away southbound on 42nd SW. An area resident “heard a commotion,” the police report says, came out of her residence, saw the victim, and called 911. The robber was described as a “Hispanic man, 19-20, 6 feet tall, 180 pounds, short brown hair, wearing a red hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans.” Police searched the area but didn’t find him. The victim was reported to have suffered scratches to the knee.
BUSINESS BURGLARY: Another one from SPD online files – a Harbor Avenue business reported last Tuesday that it had been burglarized the previous Friday night/Saturday morning, and the burglar(s) had gotten away with money from a cash drawer.
PARK BURGLARY: Also sometime last Friday night/Saturday morning, an online report says, someone broke into the Camp Long Lodge by smashing a kitchen window. Nothing was taken.
SHED BURGLARY, BIKE STOLEN: One more report from the online files: A storage shed in the 3200 block of Belvidere was broken into last Saturday night or Sunday morning, and a bicycle was stolen. No description of the bicycle.
READER REPORT, BIKE STOLEN: The photo and report are just in, from Brad:
Stolen around Oct. 3 or 4 from a bike rack at our apartment building at 2312 California Ave. SW. It’s a KHS Urban-X with 26-inch wheels.
Call police, and let us know, if you see/have seen it.
PUBLIC SAFETY SURVEY: Seattle University researchers have just launched this year’s survey to collect information about crime and safety concerns around the city, so that SPD can update its neighborhod policing plans. The survey will be open through the end of November, but don’t procrastinate – if you have a little time, answer it now. It’s at, available in seven languages – Amharic, Chinese, English, Korean, Somali, Spanish, Vietnamese.