With less than three weeks until the curtain rises on its 2016-2017 season, ArtsWest Playhouse has a crowdfunding campaign under way to support the upcoming productions: Dubbed #TellTheStory, the campaign, says the ArtsWest announcement, “allows our patrons and others in the community to engage with the stories we tell together and connect them to the process of getting a show on its feet. We’re asking the members of our community to donate and help support the show or shows in our season with which they most connect. Their donation is a way to show their support of the stories they want to see told and in return we’ll include them on the journey as each show takes shape. We want to cultivate a new audience with a stake in the art that we make.”
The six productions start with “Ghosts,” opening September 22nd, a change from what was announced back in May, though the six plays are the same. September 22nd is also the final scheduled day of the just-launched crowdfunding campaign. ArtsWest is also offering an incentive for bigger donations – the first 50 people to donate $100 will get an invitation for 2 to the season-launch party, one week from tonight at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center.
The donation campaign is on Crowdrise – go here and start by choosing which of the six “stories” you want to support. Tickets for ArtsWest’s upcoming performances, meantime, are on sale via the playhouse’s own website.
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