Now in the cool shade at Hiawatha with @DukeEversBand in concert
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) August 19, 2016
Looking for shade? We found it on the east lawn at Hiawatha Community Center (Walnut/Lander), where Duke Evers is performing this season’s second-to-last show for Summer Concerts at Hiawatha, the annual series of free music presented by the Admiral Neighborhood Association. Our short video above includes part of what they described as a new song from an album coming out in November. We’ll add a few photos when we’re back at HQ, but just wanted to make sure you knew this is happening now, until about 8 pm, and there’s room on the lawn – bring your own chair or blanket.
(added) We didn’t stay for the whole show, but did see/hear a memorable moment – after the first few songs, a car alarm went off somewhere in the vicinity. The band, unfazed, riffed off it for a moment and declared they’d just created “The Car Alarm Song.” Soon as it was over, the alarm was too. “We played it out,” a band member joked.
P.S. Next week, summer’s last Hiawatha show, is the big one, at least for kindie-rock fans and the people who love them – Caspar Babypants, who tends to get the lawn as close to standing-room-only as a lawn can get, replete with a near-mosh-pit of wee ones up by the stage (6:30 pm Thursday, August 25th)!
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