West Seattle, Washington
15 Saturday
Tonight in West Seattle Crime Watch, four reader reports – three car prowls, plus the case of the abandoned pants:
CAR PROWL #1: From RC:
I woke up this morning to see my car door open. When I went out and looked, it was obvious someone had gone through the glovebox and center console. A few dollars and a Leatherman multi-tool were the only items missing. Just sucks that someone went through our car. We live on 37th between Alaska and Edmunds. Thought we should share in case others had a similar experience last night.
CAR PROWL #2: From Meghan:
Just wanted to contact you guys to let you know our car was broken into (window shattered and appears that a crow bar was used to pry at the window) and they went through our glove compartment. Stole a phone charger and car adaptor. We believe it happened yesterday or early this morning on SW Edmunds/ California Ave.
CAR PROWL #3: From Judah:
This morning at 8am I discovered that my car had been broken into. The driver side door was wide open and the contents tossed about. The fusebox cover was also opened up so they may have been trying to steal it or disable the alarm. I filed an online report with SPD. The only thing of value taken was a small coin purse with less than $3 in it. I think that the incident must have taken place between midnight and 6 am, based on when we are active in the house. Our house is on 32nd Avenue SW, between Andover and Genesee. The car was parked in the driveway off the alley that runs between 32nd Avenue SW and Avalon Way.
CASE OF THE ABANDONED PANTS: FB sent the report and photo:
Found a pair of worn pants, guys flip flops, a spoon and the top of a medicine wrapper in my front yard this morning — doesn’t look like they fell out of a bag. On Alaska St between 45th and 46th.
Very creepy — so some guy (probably thin, judging by the size of the pants) was walking around with no pants and shoes in the neighborhood sometime this morning.
Thanks again to everyone sharing Crime Watch information – editor@westseattleblog.com if not urgent, 206-293-6302 if it is (after you’ve called 911, of course).
Thanks to JayDee (above) and James Bratsanos (below) for the views of tonight’s sunset with smoke from the wildfires on the Olympic Peninsula.
Here’s the (updated) latest fire information. As for the weather here in West Seattle – the National Weather Service‘s “heat advisory” remains in effect until 8 pm Friday; tomorrow’s high is expected to be in the low 90s again – today’s high of 91 degrees at Sea-Tac broke the record for this date, which was 87 degrees in 1982.
(Photos by Leda Costa for WSB, unless otherwise credited)
6:59 PM: “My Flea Has Dogs” was the opening song for kindie-rock superstar Caspar Babypants at tonight’s season finale of the Admiral Neighborhood Association-presented Summer Concerts at Hiawatha series, and lots of critter songs have followed – spiders, crabs, butterflies, bears …
Adoring fans are hopping and dancing all over the east lawn at Hiawatha, where it’s nice and shady, cooler than the 90-ish warmth out in the sunshine.
Before the show, Caspar B (who grownups also know as Chris Ballew of the Presidents of the United States of America) signed autographs and posed for a few pix;
If you’re here, you’ll have a chance to buy CD’s post-show, too (“Away We Go” is a brand-new album, and “Winter Party” is due out this November), as well as art from wife and creative partner Kate Endle:
Since this is the last Hiawatha show of the year, some shoutouts. First, Katy Walum, who was president of the ANA when Summer Concerts launched in the summer of 2009 and has continued to coordinate it each year since:
This year’s gold sponsor, Metropolitan Market (also a longtime WSB sponsor), has a tent here with free brownie bites:
We’ve been proud to be media sponsor every year since the start back in 2009. And the Associated Recreation Council of Hiawatha is a partner for the ANA in making this happen – they’re raising money with a concession stand over by the southeast corner of the center. The show’s on until 8 pm, so you have time to get here – more coverage to come!
8:03 PM: Last song just ended – though Mr. Babypants took a break for some of his riotous commentary, in this case telling the wee ones to understand that when they grow up and have homes and jobs of their own, they’re not going to be able to just take a nap in the afternoon any old time, so they should be sure to do that every day right now – “napping is a privilege, not a right” – and the parents all cheered.
If you missed tonight’s show or want to see/hear Caspar Babypants again – this Saturday morning at 10:30 am, he has a nonprofit-fundraiser show here in West Seattle, at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center – details here.
And Katy Walum has just told the crowd this is her last show after coordinating the concerts every season since the start – free shows that have drawn thousands, gathering on summer Thursday nights.
Want to get involved? The Admiral NA’s next meeting will be September 13th, 7 pm, at The Sanctuary at Admiral (42nd/Lander).
EARLY FRIDAY: Photos added, as promised, above and below, including Caspar B with fans post-show:
And a remembrance of the golden sunshine on the edge of the lawn as tonight’s show started:
Some concertgoers brought pets:
Most simply brought their energy, enthusiasm, and wonder:
Thanks to everyone who’s come to, performed at, helped out at, etc. the Hiawatha concerts these eight seasons!
Laurel Trujillo‘s dream is coming true. She and husband Andrew Trujillo are converting 3809 Delridge Way SW into a taproom / beer garden space to be called Ounces.
You might remember the successful crowdfunding campaign. Maybe you even participated. Since then, they’ve secured a location and are giving it a complete overhaul, inside and out:
It was previously the medical-marijuana dispensary Safe Access, and before that, a marble-and-tile business, with its history before that even including time as a service station.
The interior space is cozy, with an ordering bar and a seating bar – but the exterior space is sprawling; it includes some parking, and even more room for the actual beer garden, about 3,000 square feet, which will also have room for games such as Cornhole and Jenga.
Which beers will Ounces offer? They’ll be focusing on Washington state beer, wine, and cider, Laurel says, no lineup yet – though they promise 30+ taps – but they’re doing lots of research. Other beverages will include nitro cold-brew coffee and kombucha on tap. Possibly even juice boxes, since this is going to be an all-ages, families-welcome space.
They’ll also be serving some food – deli-type sandwiches, charcuterie plates, snacks. And, she says, they won’t mind if you bring your own, or pick some up at nearby venues like Skylark.
The hours aren’t set yet, but they’re expecting to be open five days a week, with their grand opening likely in the first week of October, as they’re estimating about five more weeks of work.
Two Lincoln Park notes today:
NORTH PLAY AREA UPDATE: We have an update today on construction of the North Play Area renovations. Seattle Parks spokesperson Dewey Potter tells WSB that the contractor is a week ahead of schedule and has finished demolition, poured the concrete curbs for the new play area, almost finished the grading work, and is rerouting an electrical line. By this weekend, she adds, “The new picnic seating area will be open and ready for use by this coming weekend.” Next week, you won’t see work at the site, because they’ll be waiting for the new play equipment, with delivery expected in early September. After receiving the aforementioned updates, we asked about one other part of the project:
That’s the framework for the new “cable ride” northwest of the play area. It is a kid-sized “zipline,” no trees involved. P.S. You can find more project info here, including notes from the planning meetings last fall and winter.
SATURDAY TREE WALK: In case you haven’t already seen the listing for this in the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar – the city’s reLeaf program is reminding you that this Saturday, you’re invited to go along for a free guided walk to learn about the park’s trees. Meet by 10 am at the information kiosk along the north parking lot (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW).
Summer’s not over and reunion season isn’t, either. Just out of the WSB inbox, from Alison:
West Seattle High School, Class of 1981, is having an informal reunion on Saturday, August 27th, starting at 7 pm.
We will be gathering at “The Point,” 435 SW 152nd St in Burien. Come share your memories and reconnect with old friends. See you there!
BRINGING BABY TO THE MOVIE! While it’s billed as being for “mommies,” the new Friday morning events at the historic Admiral Theater are really for anyone with a very young baby in tow. The Admiral recently launched 10 am Friday showings described as “first-run matinees for parents, nannies, grandparents and caregivers. The sound will be turned down and you’re welcome to bring a stroller, feed your baby, let your baby fuss, cry or coo, and no one will mind! Please note these movies are our regularly featured movies. Children age five and under are free. Adult tickets are matinee-priced.” The movies are first-run films already on the theater’s schedule, so this week’s movies – tomorrow (August 26th) at 10 am – are “Florence Foster Jenkins” and “War Dogs.”
KOSARA ON THE WAY TO ADMIRAL: Across the street from the theater, you might have noticed the liquor-license posting for Kosara at the former Zatz Bagels, which closed in June 2015 at 2348 California SW – we’ve received more than a few questions about it. We noticed it too and have been trying to get more information; the license application includes a familiar name, Plamen Stoyanov, already a West Seattle restaurateur (Amante, Huddle), but when reached for comment, he told WSB he’s not yet ready to go public with the plan. So all we know is that the license being sought is for a restaurant with beer and wine.
WHITE CRANE WELLNESS MERGES WITH WEST SEATTLE WELLNESS: In South Admiral, White Crane Wellness (3435 California SW) has been acquired by West Seattle Wellness, and remains open for what its new ownership describes as “alternative health care services such as, but not limited to, acupuncture, massage, energy work, physical therapy, counseling, organic skin care, and more.” You’re invited to an open house at White Crane on Saturday, October 1st, 1-4 pm.
(Dahlia photographed by Yel0Rose – from the West Seattle Blog Flickr group)
Highlights for the rest of your West Seattle Thursday, from our Event Calendar:
SWAP MEET: 3-5 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, Across The Bridge invites you to a swap meet. Kim Schwarzkopf explains:
Across the Bridge started as a youth mentoring program around the work opportunities in film, music and the creative industry. We were originally funded in 2014 by a Community Matching Grant through the Seattle Youth Violence Prevention Initiative. Unfortunately, that grant disappeared and we couldn’t find any funding for this year’s program. We have formed such a solid and dedicated crew that we decided to go forward anyway and self-funded a space at Youngstown and organized 6 field trips across the bridge to arts-based organizations throughout Seattle.
We are a 100% grassroots community-based organization. We are committed to racial equity and non-violence. We believe that peace is possible and we can help #IncreasethePeace in our selves, our families and our communities.
Our Swap Meet for Peace party is a way to bring community members together to have fun, connect, and share some time and stories. We believe that sharing stories is a good way to increase empathy and understanding for each other. Bring an item or two of good value that you are ready to pass on and hopefully find something that you are excited about!
Free to join! We’ll gratefully accept any donations that will go towards mentoring young people in SouthWest and SouthEast Seattle.
(4408 Delridge Way SW)
DELRIDGE GROCERY COOP FARMSTAND: 4-7 pm, fresh produce on sale! Support, and meet volunteers working on, the Delridge Grocery project. (Delridge Way/Puget Boulevard)
CASPAR BABYPANTS AT SUMMER CONCERTS @ HIAWATHA: 6:30 pm on the east lawn at Hiawatha Community Center, this is it! Caspar Babypants performs at the season finale of Summer Concerts at Hiawatha, presented by the Admiral Neighborhood Association, with community sponsors including WSB. Free – bring your own chair/blanket, bring your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers … and have a great time. (Walnut/Lander)
INTERNATIONAL POP OVERTHROW DAY: This is actually a multi-day live-music event at The Skylark, and this is Day 1. 7 pm start, tickets $10/door. Details here. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
MORE, MORE, MORE … on our complete calendar.
(West Seattle Elementary School – photo via seattleschools.org)
Just announced by the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor):
The community is invited to attend the first annual Be There Rally at West Seattle Elementary on Wednesday, September 7, from 7:00 am to 8:00 am. The school, in partnership with the West Seattle & Fauntleroy YMCA, is rolling out the red carpet and asking community leaders, school supporters, family and friends to line up to cheer, clap and high-five students as they enter into the new school year.
The West Seattle Elementary Be There Rally draws inspiration from an event held in Hartford, Connecticut where over 100 Black men in suits got together to greet and encourage children on the first day of school. They did it because they wanted to show children of color positive images of Black people in their community instead of the negative and damaging images commonly portrayed in the media. That event sparked a couple of Seattle Public Schools to keep that momentum going. From the Seattle High Five held at Leschi Elementary last August, to the over 200 Black men at South Shore PK-8 in February, the goals at West Seattle Elementary are the same.
The Be There Rally will be following these blueprints but with a slight change. Research shows that children whose fathers take an active role in their educational lives earn better grades, score higher on tests, enjoy school more and are more likely to graduate from high school and attend college. Leaders are calling for 100 men to support those who may not have a male role model by volunteering at the Be There Rally.
After careful consideration and speaking with the members of the High Point community, leaders decided to adjust to fit the needs of the neighborhood by also calling for 100 women. It is imperative that girls also have the opportunity to see successful women who they can identify with.
In an effort to dispel myths, breakdown stereotypes and change the narrative that surrounds West Seattle Elementary, please come dressed for success. The purpose of the dress attire is to allow students to see mirror images of themselves and combat any internalized biases damaging to themselves. This event will also serve as the official kick-off for a new initiative that will be followed by a clothing drive. The “Classic Men & Ladies of West Seattle Elementary” is an empowerment program to instill hope, purpose, self-pride and a love for themselves and our community. West Seattle Elementary will be collecting youth dress shirts, ties, pants, skirts and blouses to be worn once a week for our meetings.
The West Seattle & Fauntleroy YMCA is sponsoring the rally in partnership with West Seattle Elementary. Although the event is aimed to represent the demographics of the school, all people regardless of ethnic identification are encouraged to come. West Seattle Elementary’s collaborative school motto for the 2016/2017 school year is “Whatever it takes for each and every kid!”
Your presence at the school on the first day will support efforts to build valuable partnerships with families and members of the community to support student learning and positive academic outcomes.
To confirm your attendance or for more information, please contact Jeremy Smith, Director of Leadership Development at (206) 331-1799 or via email at Jeremysmith@seattleymca.org.
Two West Seattle items of interest in today’s city-circulated Land Use Information Bulletin, both on projects we’ve been covering here for months:
(4801 Fauntleroy Way rendering by David Foster Architects)
4801 FAUNTLEROY WAY APPROVAL: Land Use Permit approval has been granted for this mixed-use building with 52 apartments, including finalization of the Design Review approval reported here last February. It will be built on the southwest corner of Fauntleroy/Edmunds (across from The Whittaker and kitty-corner from the proposal on the ex-pawn shop site). Here’s the full decision; if you are interested in appealing it, a two-week period is now open, and the bulletin notice includes a link explaining how to do that. (The site, it should be noted, remains listed for sale.)
2222 SW BARTON DESIGN REVIEW: We brought you first word back on August 3rd that this 80-unit apartment building near Westwood Village had a September 15th date set for its first Southwest Design Review Board meeting. And indeed, that is what is formally announced in today’s bulletin. The meeting three weeks from tonight is at 6:30 pm at the Senior Center/Sisson Building in The Junction; it is the Early Design Guidance phase, and its scope is explained in today’s notice.
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)
6:41 AM: Just checked around, and it’s incident-free again in/from West Seattle, on this last Thursday in August.
ROAD-WORK REMINDERS: Fauntleroy/Endolyne Triangle, plus lower Spokane Street east of the low bridge.
STADIUM ZONE TONIGHT: Seahawks are home vs. Dallas, 7 pm.
WEEKEND AHEAD: Alki/Harbor road closure for Alki Beach 5K at 9 am Sunday; no road closures but the north end of South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) will be busy for the West Seattle Car Show 10 am-3 pm Saturday (20+ trophy categories, and same-day signups starting at 8).
7:47 AM – TRANSIT CANCELLATION: Just announced, after-the-fact, via Twitter and text:
Transit Alert – Route 37 to downtown Seattle due to leave 44 Av SW and SW Alaska St at 7:38 AM did not operate this morning.
— King County Metro (@kcmetrobus) August 25, 2016
7:58 AM: And that was followed by this:
Transit Alert Correction – The last route 37 operated as expected from the Alaska Junction at 7:16 AM.
— King County Metro (@kcmetrobus) August 25, 2016
We did, by the way, get Metro’s response to our inquiry about last week’s cancellations. From spokesperson Scott Gutierrez:
Every effort is made to avoid having to cancel service — up until the moment a bus is scheduled to start its trip. We regret when any service is canceled, and we appreciate our customers’ patience.
Metro continues to ramp up hiring and training of new bus drivers. Right now we have a new class of trainees starting every two weeks, and each class is at or close to capacity (24 trainees). Through the fall, we hope to see significant reductions in cancellations as we continue toward our hiring goals.
While we have added service and are hiring more drivers to fulfill that service, we’ve also seen higher-than-expected attrition this year due to retirements. A strong local economy has made hiring very competitive. And the training process for new drivers takes about 5 weeks. To help meet service needs, we actively deploy standby operators when available and assign drivers who have completed trips.
Metro also is investing a great deal of effort into training our drivers to ensure they provide the best possible service. Anyone interested in applying to become a Metro bus driver can find information on our website – Or email josh.isgur@kingcounty.gov.
8:02 AM: And still on that topic, this was texted/tweeted a moment ago:
Transit Alert – Route 57 to downtown Seattle due to leave the Alaska Junction at 7:38 AM did not operate this morning.
— King County Metro (@kcmetrobus) August 25, 2016
ADDED 9:13 AM: One more note – via e-mail, from WSDOT, in case you’re planning to drive 99 north of downtown this weekend:
Washington State Department of Transportation bridge maintenance crews will close two lanes of traffic to conduct a routine inspection of the (Aurora Bridge) on both Saturday and Sunday mornings.
Closure details
· Saturday, Aug. 27 – Two northbound lanes across the Aurora Bridge will be closed from 6 to 11 a.m. One northbound lane will remain open to traffic. All southbound lanes will be open.
· Sunday, Aug. 28 – Two southbound lanes across the Aurora Bridge will be closed from 6 to 11 a.m. One southbound lane will remain open to traffic. All northbound lanes will be open.
11 AM: Went down to check on the Fauntleroy/Endolyne work. The painted curb bulb – color chosen in community discussions – is now drying at Brace Point/Wildwood:
Work was expected to take about a week so should be done by early next week.