(Male House Finch, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
Quiet day/night on the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar. But there’s always something going on, and we start with a reminder:
ONE WEEK UNTIL ELECTION DAY: Vote! The voting ends and vote-counting begins one week from tonight (Augst 2nd) While it’s technically the “primary,” so your vote will shrink the field in various races, it’s also the final decision for two Seattle measures – the Housing Levy and the “elevated downtown waterfront park” initiative. Lots of info here. And if you want to vote without buying postage, the new permanent ballot dropbox is in place along SW Raymond east of 35th SW, by High Point Library.
DROP-IN CHESS: Kids and teens are invited to play chess @ High Point Library, 4:30-5:30 pm. (35th SW/SW Raymond)
(added) SPOKE & FOOD: The annual Spoke & Food bicycle-to-dinner benefit is tonight – and Coastline in West Seattle is participating. 5-9 pm, participants around the region are donating 20 percent of their proceeds; this year, the beneficiary is the Hunger Intervention Project. The first 20 bike riders at each Spoke & Food location get backpacks! (4444 California SW)
‘GRACIOUS SPACE’ WORKSHOP: Come to Highland Park Improvement Club 6-9 pm and “explore how we can collaborate to bring all our neighbors together to build a stronger community.” (12th SW/SW Holden)
FAMILY STORY TIME: At Delridge Library, 7 pm, for families with kids 1-5 years old. Stories, songs, and rhymes! (5423 Delridge Way SW)
LOOK INTO THE FUTURE … via our complete calendar. And let us know if you have something happening in West Seattle to add – see the guidelines atop the calendar page. Thank you!
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