UPDATE: First 2016 edition of West Seattle Outdoor Movies

8:18 PM: We’re in the courtyard at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) with a wall-to-wall crowd ready to enjoy the first of 2016’s six West Seattle Outdoor Movies – at dusk, “Star Wars Episode VII.” The movie’s free but it’s also a fundraiser for local nonprofits – the Southwest Seattle Historical Society sells, and benefits from, concessions; donated prizes are up for grabs in raffles that tonight will benefit WestSide Baby (whose big Stuff The Bus diaper drive is a week from tomorrow). Pre-show trivia (put together by WSB co-publisher Patrick) is about to start. More to come!

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8:30 PM: In the photo above, that’s Hotwire proprietor Lora Swift, who has produced the outdoor-movie series for more than a dozen years now – this is a momentous year because at season’s end, it moves to the “festival street” by the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor), where there’s more room (and tonight’s turnout is another reminder that it’s much-needed)! Lora was taking a group photo of tonight’s crowd – we’ll link to it when it’s up. (Update: Here’s the actual pic)

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8:41 PM: Trivia’s under way. Starting with an easy one – “Who said ‘it’s a trap’?” and it’s been getting tougher from there.

9:06 PM: Congratulations to “T,” trivia winner! The moon is rising over the building with the WSOM screen, and now we’re just waiting for it to be dark enough to see the movie. If you didn’t make it here (or get a seat) this week, next week is “Monty Python and the Holy Grail,” with live music pre-show. Sponsors will include The Beer Junction, which promises “ice cream floats with Husky Deli Ice Cream and Snoqualmie Root Beer.” By the way, you never know what treats you might get at WSOM, besides the concessions (which are a deal at $1) – tonight, for example, Coastline (the burger joint just down the block) brought over some of their world-famous cookies.

11:40 PM: Movie over, courtyard cleanup commencing. Perfect night! Thanks to everyone who came.

2 Replies to "UPDATE: First 2016 edition of West Seattle Outdoor Movies"

  • West Seattleite July 18, 2016 (8:54 am)

    How fast did the place fill up?

    • WSB July 18, 2016 (9:01 am)

      I’d say by 7, 7:30 it was pretty close to capacity. This of course was a major hit movie so subsequent showings might not be quite so crowded.

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