(Rufous hummingbird, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
Welcome to the weekend – here are highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
KIDS’ FISHING POND: The West Seattle Sportsmen’s Club presents its annual free fishing pond for kids, 8 am-11 am at Seacrest Pier. Fishing equipment provided; the pond’s stocked with trout; more info here. (1660 Harbor SW)
EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION HUBS’ DISASTER DRILL & OPEN HOUSE: 9:30-11:30 am at Neighborhood House’s High Point Center, local volunteers – you’re invited to show up and help as a citizen actor! – will be rehearsing a quake scenario as part of the weeklong “Cascadia Rising” mega-quake drill. (6400 Sylvan Way SW) … Also this morning, the newest hub in West Seattle will have an “open house” info table so you can learn more about it, 9 am-noon – if you’re in THe Junction, stop by Hope Lutheran Church and find out more. (4456 42nd SW)
HELICOPTERS’ DISASTER DRILL: As previewed here again last night, a daylong drill will include helicopters flying to and from West Seattle’s Terminal 5, as part of the weeklong “Cascadia Rising” mega-quake drill. You can watch from the overlook at Jack Block Park.
SPRING AT SOUTH: Explore South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) and vicinity during the all-day event “Spring at South” – with trail walks in the surrounding West Duwamish Greenbelt, an open house at the Seattle Chinese Garden, wine tasting at the Northwest Wine Academy, photography exhibits, and more – see the schedule and highlights in our calendar listing. (6000 16th SW)
PLAY GAMES! Not really beach weather as of this writing, so explore indoor fun with a big schedule of Saturday events at Meeples Games (WSB sponsor), from Family Game Day (11:30 am-3 pm) to Bridge Night (7 pm-10 pm) and more. (3727 California SW)
MASTER GARDENERS’ POP-UP CLINIC: Gardening/plant question? Special chance to talk with Master Gardeners at the Delridge P-Patch, 10 am-2 pm, as previewed here. (5078 25th SW)
P-PATCH PIZZA: At the Barton Street Community Garden and P-Patch in Westwood, the masonry oven will be fired up today, and you’re invited to come: “Enjoy the garden and an opportunity to explore the use of traditional community ovens as well as masonry oven cooking techniques. We’ll be baking fresh pizzas! Neighbors are invited to bring favorite toppings and cheese to round out flavors. Volunteers are welcome.” Noon-3 pm – or if you want to help with the oven, even earlier: “Join us to build and tend the fire for the pizza oven (9:00 am and onward). This informational and fundraising event is open to all.” (34th SW/SW Barton)
NO LIGHTHOUSE TOURS TODAY: The Alki Point Lighthouse is NOT open for tours today, but will be back to its weekend 1-4 pm schedule tomorrow.
TALK WITH YOUR SCHOOL-BOARD REP: As the school year draws to a close, your next chance to talk with and hear from your elected local rep on the Seattle Public Schools Board of Directors, Leslie Harris, is 3-4:30 pm today at High Point Library. (35th SW/SW Raymond)
FROM RUSSIA TO GATEWOOD: The St. Petersburg Men’s Ensemble performs a free concert at Peace Lutheran Church, including folk songs and liturgical music, 4 pm. (39th SW/SW Thistle)
REALFINE/RUDY’S PARKING LOT PARTY: 5-10 pm in The Triangle, Realfine Coffee and Rudy’s Barbershop are hosting a free parking-lot party with “local music, art, drinks, and more!” (4480 Fauntleroy Way SW)
DAVID MALLETT @ KENYON HALL: 7:30 pm, the legendary singer-songwriter returns to Kenyon Hall – our calendar listing includes how to check ASAP if reservations remain. (7904 35th SW)
And a transportation reminder:
NO BRIDGE CLOSURE TONIGHT: The next overnight closure of the west end of the West Seattle Bridge for the Fauntleroy Expressway earthquake-cushion re-replacements is tomorrow (Sunday) night, 9 pm-5 am.
THE REST OF THE LIST … for today, tonight, tomorrow, and beyond, is on our complete calendar.