Another park fire: Schmitz Park staircase


Heads up if you usually walk into and/or out of Schmitz Park via the staircase to Admiral Way – its wooden steps have fire damage. Thanks to Dannie for the photo and tip this morning: “The steps on the SW corner of the Schmitz Park reserve were burned, very recently. I came upon them when walking the trail this morning. Strong scent if burning… The whole middle section was destroyed.” Dannie called to report it and a Seattle Fire team was dispatched to investigate; they were gone before we arrived, so we don’t know what they determined, and won’t likely be able to get official information until Monday, but will follow up then.

10 Replies to "Another park fire: Schmitz Park staircase"

  • flimflam June 25, 2016 (11:58 am)

    wow. getting a bit scary – seems there is a fire bug in the area lately. hope they can figure out who it is before something really bad happens.

  • Carolyn W June 25, 2016 (12:01 pm)

    I ran down these stairs around 5pm yesterday and there were a bunch of teenagers sitting on the stairs and hanging out under the bridge…they definitely weren’t starting fires when I passed through (and the stairs were still intact), but that was early on in the evening.

  • Neighbor June 25, 2016 (12:22 pm)

    There was also a fire started at the base of a huge Douglas fir this week inside the park. This is very, very concerning. It went up at least 20 ft and burned an entire side of the tree.  

    • WSB June 25, 2016 (12:26 pm)

      Neighbor, thanks for mentioning that; I vaguely recalled hearing a Schmitz Park call the other day while we were busy with something else, but hadn’t yet figured out whether it was police or fire (or both) traffic. I’ll ask about that too.

  • BJG June 25, 2016 (12:53 pm)

    We cut back our heavy foliage at the street last weekend and found the remnants of a burned board that someone had tried to use to start the whole area on fire.  It didn’t do much damage and went out eventually.  Is arson the new leisure activity around here for drunks and punks? Garbage and beer bottles were the other “gifts” left for us. Getting tired.

    • Joe Bags June 25, 2016 (3:11 pm)

      I spend a lot of time picking up trash on my property. Have had to do it for 20 years, give or take. It’s sad how inconsiderate people are. I feel like setting out a recycle bin and a trash can by my sidewalk. Wonder if it would get used?

  • d June 25, 2016 (4:56 pm)

    Jerks will just empty contents out on sidewalk I tend to just pick all trash up around my property and throw it into the street as I get lots of trash littered in my yard from 711 being across the street it’s very annoying this seems to be my only recourse

    • flimflam June 25, 2016 (5:51 pm)

      I can understand your frustration but throwing the trash into the street is not your only recourse…

  • R June 26, 2016 (9:15 pm)

    My husband pointed out when we saw the burned stairs on Saturday that that wood is soaked in creosote and those who burned it would have inhaled some pretty toxic stuff.  Karma.

  • Skeptic June 26, 2016 (9:34 pm)

    It would be great if those steps could be replaced with concrete.  In the winter that wet wood is treacherously slippery.

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