12:54 PM: Thanks to David Williams for the photo and first word that a bit of Junction history is exposed right now – in front of Talarico’s Pizzeria at 4718 California SW. The restaurant doesn’t open until 3 today so we haven’t yet reached anyone to ask for details of the work (and the sign’s fate) but an online permit filing has the notation, “Install 45 lineal feet of rigid canopy on storefront with no signage or graphics.” Meantime, Mike Phelps also sent a photo, which we’ve cropped for a closer look:
Mike adds, “The revealed signage predates (the old) New Luck Toy. Predates me; interesting to see if any readers remember or have photos.” The recently released West Seattle Junction Historical Survey says this building dates to 1950.
1:51 PM: As “Chemist” points out in comments, the address is identified on this Junction-history site as having belonged to “Star Radio” before New Luck Toy in 1950.
5:30 PM: During a brief stop at Talarico’s this afternoon, we learned this work is part of a bit of remodeling of the entire front, including the windows. The sign, we’re told, is from when Schuck’s was in part of the building. No plans to preserve it, so if you’re interested in seeing it in person, get down there fast. The work is only expected to take a few days.