With the Viaduct closure and lots of other breaking news, it’s been a few days since our last update on the 12th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day for a few days! The countdown is on – 12 days until Saturday, May 14, 9 am-3 pm, when more than 330 sales of all sizes, all over the peninsula, will bring neighbors, friends, and families together for one big fun day of person-to-person recycling. We hope you’ve set aside at least part of the day to see who’s selling what in your neighborhood, if not beyond.
Registration closed five days ago so we could get going on the map, which will be available (here and at westseattlegaragesale.com) one week in advance, so look for it next Saturday. Checking the listings after the list was finalized, we’ve seen an amazing array of items for you to explore – including lots of kid stuff, home decor, furniture, kitchenware, and so many unusual items we’ve made note of while going through the list … somebody’s selling a car, somebody’s selling a scooter, two sellers have outboard motors, lots of art, one seller even has 500+ vinyl records … Some sales are fundraisers; some have lemonade and bake sales on the side; some are for businesses, schools, youth groups … moving sales, “just moved” sales, “just married” sales, downsizing sales … and of course the multi-seller sites at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse and C & P Coffee Company (both WSB sponsors). Just wait till you see the map/list.
If you’re a seller, watch for an update from your coordinators in a few days. And start telling your family, friends, social-media circles all about your sale and WSCGSD in general, if you haven’t already! Any questions or concerns, e-mail the special WSCGSD mailbox, garagesale@westseattleblog.com.
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