VIADUCT CLOSURE, DAY 6: Afternoon/evening commute coverage for Wednesday

(SDOT MAP with camera/incident links; OFFICIAL #99CLOSURE INFOSITE; ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)

4:05 PM: No incidents so far but we’re committed to having traffic/transit watch atop the page during peak commute times as the Viaduct closure continues, so here we go for Wednesday afternoon.

5:08 PM: Crash on the 1st Avenue South Bridge – Seattle Fire and Washington State Patrol are on the way. Don’t know which side yet. (Update – here’s the camera view.)

5:24 PM: If you haven’t seen it yet, we did cover today’s multi-department media briefing on how traffic’s going. (Have finally added the video, too.) Bottom line, they’re still urging you to continue whatever changes you’ve made, because they’re helping. And if you take the Water Taxi – consider shifting earlier or later so passenger loads are more spread out. Speaking of which, thanks to Ashley for this photo of the line for the 5:15 from downtown:


5:52 PM: Just in from Jeff Switzer at KCDOT, Water Taxi numbers:

199 riders at 4:45 pm, 221 riders at 5:15 pm

5:58 PM: The “low bridge” has just closed to surface traffic.

6:11 PM: And the bridge has reopened.

7:50 PM: Another tunneling update tonight from WSDOT – 162.5 feet along the under-Viaduct way, getting closer to the halfway mark. Here’s the full evening update, including an overview of pm traffic and transit.

13 Replies to "VIADUCT CLOSURE, DAY 6: Afternoon/evening commute coverage for Wednesday"

  • StuckonSpokane May 4, 2016 (4:56 pm)

    WSB, is the lower bridge closed for boat traffic right now or is there an accident on Spokane.  We’ve been stuck at 1st and Spokane eastbound for a while now.  

    • WSB May 4, 2016 (4:58 pm)

      Not closed. 1st is really sluggish. Haven’t seen or heard any incidents on Spokane.

  • John May 4, 2016 (5:03 pm)

    4:35pm 119X afternoon drive didn’t feel any different than pre-closure.  Made it through 4th/Lander/1st just fine! Made it to WS in usual time. 

  • Ashley A May 4, 2016 (5:11 pm)

    5:15 Water Taxi is fuilling up.

    • WSB May 4, 2016 (5:13 pm)

      Thanks! Sorry the system posted your photo sideways. I’ll get it into the narrative above.

  • Me May 4, 2016 (5:12 pm)

    Left 3rd on c line at 4:40, on Avalon way at 5:11. Driver did say we were very late but I think it was pre-3rd bc

  • Annie May 4, 2016 (5:22 pm)

    4:55 to 5:20, SLU to Admiral via I5 by car. 

  • newnative May 4, 2016 (5:28 pm)

    the #56 left third n bell at 5, now on wsb at 5:25.  not too bad, we managed to.roll down Lander before the train delays.

  • candrewb May 4, 2016 (5:41 pm)

    I am always surprised by the amount of cars leaving West Seattle around 5:00PM as I am coming home. Where do they all come from?

    • WSB May 4, 2016 (5:51 pm)

      CAB – we do have employers over here. South Seattle College alone has 1,000 employees, according to a mention at the Chamber breakfast today.

  • Matthew May 4, 2016 (5:47 pm)

    nothing like a standing room only MIS-ROUTED bus ride home.  SWEET!

  • Paul May 4, 2016 (6:12 pm)

    6.15 from Seattle pretty heavy numbers but less than Monday…

  • M May 4, 2016 (9:39 pm)

    Cool that so many cars are off the road and people are on bikes instead! Bikes crossing the low bridge set a new record today. Here’s a link to the data collected by the counter on the east side of the low bridge:

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