BIZNOTE: Short Stop about to close and move, vacating building at Morgan Junction Park expansion site


Thanks to Sam for the tip – we just stopped by the Short Stop convenience store in Morgan Junction and confirmed that tomorrow is its final day of operation. It’s found a new location – in the Pierce County town of Milton.

Since the dry cleaner next store is already closed, this will clear the way for Seattle Parks to demolish the 6311 California SW building that’s on the site of the quarter-acre it purchased for $1.9 million in 2014 to expand Morgan Junction Park. But the demolition equipment won’t be showing up any time soon. Though the teardown permit was issued more than four months ago, there’s some other work to do first, we found out from Lise Ward with Seattle Parks. She tells WSB that once the building’s vacant, they’ll call in environmental specialists to test for hazardous materials and determine what kind of abatement will be required before teardown. They’ll also take steps to seal it off until demolition, Ward says, which they’ll do as soon as they can. She says they’re thankful to the community for their patience.

The original purchase was to “landbank” the site for future park development. Money to plan and design it is on the Seattle Park District levy’s funding list for this year.

13 Replies to "BIZNOTE: Short Stop about to close and move, vacating building at Morgan Junction Park expansion site"

  • Yippee, progress March 21, 2016 (11:19 pm)

    Yippee. One bit if blight about to be gone. And another chunk of park to be created. Can’ t wait for planning to step up to then challenges on this site.

  • Eric March 22, 2016 (4:48 am)

    Is this the same park that (some) people on the blog have been complaining about it being over run with homeless people drinking and what not? Now they’re making it bigger? 

  • JeffK March 22, 2016 (6:47 am)

    Homeless people are not a reason to stop building parks.

    I live nearby and that convenience store was where the homeless/drunks were getting their cheap beer to drink in the park.  With the store gone so, hopefully, will be the drunks in the park.  So this is a win-win-win in my book.  The third ‘win’ is that I agree it that store was blight and am happy to see it gone.

  • Jim March 22, 2016 (8:04 am)

    This is why density is good: it brings with it a natural selection process that drives places like this out.

    • WSB March 22, 2016 (8:11 am)

      Related to that, a few points from past coverage. Before the city bought it, this was marketed as a potential site for 60+ housing units, so if not for the park plan, things might have been denser. But it was bought BECAUSE of density, in a way – the Morgan Junction Urban Village area was identified as in need of more open space and that’s why the money was available from the last park levy. – TR

  • Joe Szilagyi March 22, 2016 (8:25 am)

    There’s the other thing that people often overlook or refuse to acknowledge about density: more people per square mile = more tax revenue = more political and business justification for more services and amenities to be provided per square kilometer. 

    Look at it on the other extreme: how many services per resident, per mile, do you get in a place like Omak (1700/mile vs Seattle’s 7700/mile citywide average)? Nothing compared to what we have, if you compare everything: municipal services, arts, culture, parks, transportation options, level of medicine, number of schools, everything. None of these things — municipally funded or otherwise — happen in a void. No one is building a Fred Hutch 2.0 in Omak, or Ellensburg, or in Puyallup, or a new Benaroya Hall level facility, or a new major museum, or anything else. 

    If you like the rural or suburban life and don’t mind absorbing a lot more costs to enjoy it, go for it. I still daydream about country life having spent roughly a year of my life in it, and way more remote than many of you probably did — literally up a mountain in Romania. How much would I sacrifice for that natural beauty and quiet, though? How much convenience? How much cultural enjoyment? 

    For everyone who wants cities, this is a great tiny example of how more people gives us ‘more’. This park is literally going to double in size. Why? Because more people justifies it.

    • datamuse March 22, 2016 (9:58 am)

      This is exactly the conversation my husband and I are having. He’ll never be a city boy and I’ll never be a country girl. We’re working out a compromise that is ultimately going to mean moving out of Seattle–but not up a mountain in Romania. ;)

      • Joe Szilagyi March 22, 2016 (11:40 am)

        Heh, yeah, no way do I probably even go back to there. There’s rural and then there’s capital R rural. Hauling wood for the fire, no electricity, water from the well (a 1/4 mile distance!), wolves literally taking chickens? Nope. 

        Now if I was rich and could afford a nice place in the hills for the summer that’s in the New England leg of the Appalachians or like on a barren corner of San Juan Island…

  • Westside45 March 22, 2016 (9:46 am)

    You mix Imperial (square mile) with metric (square kilometer)…vastly different measurements. Are you trying to confuse? Take one form of measurement,  you can’t have it both ways. 

    • Joe Szilagyi March 22, 2016 (11:35 am)

      It was a typo. The point is that more people = more amenities. 

  • Chuck and Sally's Van Man March 22, 2016 (11:10 am)

    Mixed feeling about this. Yeah, the building has outlived its expiration date. Still, I used to have my dry cleaning done here, and the owner was always quite polite and industrious. As were the owners of the quick mart. Anyone else remember when the previous owners used to make a pretty fair chicken teriyaki? They were genuinely nice people. 

    Still, I think an expanded park is a good use for this space, especially given the reduced access to cheap booze next door. If this becomes a “sleepover” park, you can bet the cops will be hearing about it.

  • Meyer March 22, 2016 (4:32 pm)

    I love parks but honestly I feel like this park (even after its expansion) will still be too small to feel like an actual park. Too small for catch or soccer. Too small for a basketball court. And it is way too close to a busy road which really detracts from the park-get-lost-in-nature feel.

    Unless this park becomes maybe 5-6 times its current size, I would rather see this space taken by new business developments.

  • Sarah March 24, 2016 (9:48 am)

    Maybe it will become a light rail station!  Wasn’t the old Video Vault (where the Bev Pub is now) purchase for that reason?)  Good god we need better transportation.

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