PHOTOS: Macklemore and Ryan Lewis return to Easy Street Records

Among the 100 Macklemore and Ryan Lewis fans who got the chance to meet them tonight at Easy Street Records were mom Michelle and baby Sarah (who we’re guessing might have made the crowd count at least 101). We’re featuring the photo they tweeted – retweeted by ESR – because we weren’t allowed into the signing zone up in the ESR loft. We did catch the grand arrival, in the rain, at dusk:

(WSB photos from here down – click any image for a larger view)

Just around the corner, the queue stretched along the store’s SW Alaska side:


Macklemore prepared to take photos –


So did the rest of the “Lucky 100” waiting inside the store:


They were the first hundred to pre-order Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’s second album “This Unruly Mess I’ve Made,” officially released today, which was the occasion for the stars’ visit to ESR – before they headed to Capitol Hill for a free concert at Neumos. It was an Easy Street encore for them – we photographed their 2011 signing there, a year before their huge first album “The Heist” came out.

3 Replies to "PHOTOS: Macklemore and Ryan Lewis return to Easy Street Records"

  • chelle February 27, 2016 (7:13 am)

    So cool! Love those hometown boys!

  • Ann February 27, 2016 (8:44 am)

    Missed this but really enjoyed these photos. Capture mood and sense of place at event.

    The one getting in car with neon sign in the background particularly good and unintentionally amusing – the round sign looks like a thought bubble where he’s dreaming of  Cupcake Royal ( he’s also looking in that general direction). Funny.

  • Yumpears February 27, 2016 (10:09 am)

    Love the Girl Scout cookies on the signing table.

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