TRAFFIC ALERT: Crash at 35th/Webster

(Added: Photo tweeted by @MetPatrick22)
Thanks to @MetPatrick22 for the tip: Southbound 35th SW is blocked at Webster because of a crash. No medic unit dispatched so far – just one SFD engine – which means no major injuries, but you’ll want to avoid the area for a while.

21 Replies to "TRAFFIC ALERT: Crash at 35th/Webster"

  • jsmith January 2, 2016 (5:56 pm)

    Thanks alot to the idiots who narrowed the roads to one lane making travel time doubled now on 35th. Not to mention Roxbury. You idiots obviously never travel these roads.

    • WSB January 2, 2016 (6:02 pm)

      The project manager lives in Arbor Heights, as mentioned many times in our coverage as well as at the community meetings that preceded the rechannelizations. Anyway, the Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Council will have SDOT at its March 2nd meeting (6:15 pm, Southwest Library) for a followup on the 35th and Roxbury changes, just announced, so mark your calendar – TR

  • Nora January 2, 2016 (6:07 pm)

    Tow truck is there now. Hopefully this will clear soon.

    • WSB January 2, 2016 (6:10 pm)

      Thanks for the update! We’re not able to get over to check but the 911 log did show that Engine 11 had departed.

  • Evil twin January 2, 2016 (11:37 pm)

    Agreed. Lived on 35th for 12 years and saw about 3 crashes until the rechannelization. I’ve seen about 12 in the last 2 months. My wife leaves for work about 15 minutes before me in the morning with my daughter. Went to work the other day and saw a huge pile up of 4 cars and tons of police and fire. Scared the crap out of me and thankfully wasn’t them. Once I got there it wasnt super bad and also thankfully it didnt look like serious injuries. But…c’mon! Bad idea…… I understand we have budget issues, etc as a city and region but really? Instead of solid infrastructure projects/solutions we just move stripes around? I know it’s difficult politically but go big or go home. Moving stripes is not the answer. Let’s do some light rail that doesnt cross major intersections at grade and makes for an easy transfer to buses or something. I’m just sayin.

  • JB January 3, 2016 (1:36 am)

    As one of those involved in this accident I can assure you that the one lane road or rechannelization had nothing to do with causing the accident. A line of cars were waiting for the light to turn green at Holden and I had been stopped for 5 to 10 seconds when I was rear ended and pushed into the car in front of me. While I didn’t see the driver who hit me before I was rear ended I suspect that distracted driving caused this accident and if not that it was certainly inattentive driving.
    The driver who read ended me was somewhat dazed and disoriented and clutching his chest as if he had slammed into his steering wheel so I called 911. I certainly don’t apologize for causing some temporary Inconvenience to people to ensure that all 4 people involved got checked out by EMT’s. I would hope that any of those stuck in the back up would want the same for themselves and those involved should it have been them in the accident.

    • WSB January 3, 2016 (8:19 am)

      Thanks for the info, JB. Hope you are OK.

  • Eric January 3, 2016 (3:09 am)

    Evil Twin, as someone who’s lived in 35th for a long period of time, you’re not supposed to call out this “wonderful road diet”. Sshhhh, remember, this was supposed to be awesome

  • Wb January 3, 2016 (9:53 am)

    Thanks for posting JB. Nothing like hearing from the people who actually were in the accident. Take care and be well.

  • AMD January 3, 2016 (9:56 am)

    Glad to hear you’re okay, JB.

  • Paul January 3, 2016 (10:57 am)

    I’ve lived on 35th for 18 years, use it all the time, and I think the complaints are way overblown.

  • Concerned January 3, 2016 (11:02 am)

    The project manager you speak of does live in WS but he takes the bus to work.

    The road diet was the worst idea ever for 35th. I now use 37th as much as possible, its slower for me since I drive the speed limit and have to pause at the intersections, but it’s less frustrating than being in a car train.

    There is now no 4 lane road left in West Seattle that has not had this road diet applied.

    Just once I would like to see an improvement to our roads. It’s a bit ironic that our main arterial for West Seattle (35th) is in worse shape from the re-channelization. The road is all torn up where they removed the old striping.

    Now that we passed the Move Seattle initiative you can expect bike lanes on 35th next. You think you have accidents now, just wait.

    Put 35th back the way it was and fix the road!

    – concerned

  • D January 3, 2016 (11:14 am)

    We paid for the Lanes put them back there’s more people there needs to be more room to travel not less this is not rocket science folks that is a lot of wasted land

  • D January 3, 2016 (11:16 am)

    The project manager probably works from home anyways so they can’t account for any of any commute difference in time or traffic

  • Eric1 January 3, 2016 (11:57 am)

    Strange. I live in southern West Seattle and I love the road diet. I appreciate the wider lanes so my truck/trailer doesn’t actually take up both lanes when I decide to go fishing. There aren’t crazy people shifting lanes and speeding down 35th getting me to test my brakes. I am not so close to cars in the right lane that I worry about taking off mirrors. I just go with the flow and it is usually 30-40 MPH which is what it normally was. I think it is far safer now with fewer sideswiped parked cars and left-turn accidents.
    My guess is those that complain were the speeding types that used to do 40-50 down I-35. I say it all the time; why speed down 35th to wait on the bridge to I-5? Furthermore, where are you going? Rushing to work? LOL, I wouldn’t go to work if they didn’t pay me…. Why hurry to get there?

  • Oakley34 January 3, 2016 (12:07 pm)

    I typically don’t travel 35th during commuting hours, but at all other times the complaints are indeed overblown. Learn to drive people…has nothing to do with the rechannel. Pull your heads outta your asses/iphones, and realize you’re in a residential neighborhood.

  • TheKing January 3, 2016 (12:26 pm)

    For some reason, taking away a lane each direction has compelled drivers to try and execute large sweeping u-turns from a parked position on 35th. When parked southbound the drivers are pulling a big loop to the northbound lane as I am driving south or north. What is wrong with you people?

  • KM January 3, 2016 (1:25 pm)

    There were accidents before the re-channelization, and accidents after, and accidents will continue to happen. An improvement in the region’s drivers could be vastly helpful–I hope for improved/increased traffic enforcement as well.

    Glad to hear you are okay, JB. Accidents are scary and stressful. I would be thankful you called 911 if I was in a similar situation.

  • Cainipoo January 3, 2016 (5:38 pm)

    I don’t agree that a MAJOR arterial is a residential neighborhood st. Ambaum Blvd in Burien seems to work well with a nice flow of 4 lane traffic. I think the difference is it doesn’t have st parking so there is a center turn lane or left turn only lanes throughout much of the road.

    Yes, accidents will continue to happen so where does that leave “vision zero”?

  • Evil twin January 3, 2016 (7:54 pm)

    I’m glad you’re ok too JB. Distracted driving probably was what happened, not disputing that. As someone else said above, accidents have and will happen. I’m just saying that in my opinion accidents have went up and the road overall statistically appears to be less safe. No data to back it up but sure seem to see more crashes. As far as travel times go:off peak=no sweat. Near peak=sub 20mph and lots of erratic maneuvers and crashes. I just want real solutions. I’ve traveled europe, Japan, etc and we are way behind on mass transit. I personally am all about transportation improvements, just think this one and some others are bad ideas. I mean seriously…. what did the rechannelization accomplish? Shorter travel times? Less accidents? More frequent bus service? No,no,no. Imho

  • Bill Bob January 4, 2016 (8:02 am)

    I lived on 35th and Holden, until a month ago. I witnessed 2 accidents in the previous 3 months at 35th and Holden. They were both rear end collisions, where the car in front was stopped (or stopping). It appeared to me that the drivers were either distracted or did not know they were stopping. It was like they both ran into parked cars. One thing I know for sure is people are more distracted than ever.

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