month : 12/2015 286 results

VIDEO: ‘Islamophobia’s got to go!’ Muslim-support rally at Chief Sealth IHS

The latest show of support for Muslims, amid a regional and national surge in Islamophobia, happened this morning at Chief Sealth International High School, right before classes started for the day.

The rally was organized by Sealth’s Black Student Union, as announced in the school’s Daily Bulletin. A crowd we counted at more than 70 students and teachers gathered on the steps along the east side of the school auditorium to display signs and chant.

Leading the chants was student Abshira Sala, who summarized the rally’s message afterward:

Part of the rallying cry was “Justice for Hamza” – referring to citywide concerns related to the recent death of 16-year-old Somali-American Hamza Warsame on Capitol Hill. Meantime, a hate-crime investigation is under way in the case of a ride-share driver who reported being harassed and assaulted by a passenger picked up last week in what was described as “southwest Seattle.”

In addition to today’s rally, recent shows of support for local Muslims included a resolution passed by the City Council yesterday, and a regional gathering of faith leaders at a north-end mosque last Friday, with West Seattle’s Rabbi Zari Weiss of Kol HaNeshamah among them.

West Seattle Tuesday: Music, crafts, reading, remembering…

(Photo by Flickr member SurferLucas, shared via the WSB Flickr group)

From the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide and year-round Event Calendar:

TEEN HOLIDAY CRAFTS/WRAPPING: 2:30-4 pm today and daily through Friday, teens are invited to this drop-in event at Hiawatha Community Center, to make gifts and/or wrap them. (2700 California SW)

EVENING BOOK GROUP: 6:30 pm at High Point Library. This month’s book is “Behind the Scenes at the Museum” by Kate Atkinson. (35th SW & SW Raymond)

MADISON CONCERT: 7 pm in the gym at Madison Middle School. From the PTA bulletin: “Madison’s music students have been working hard and are excited to entertain you! All are welcome!” (45th SW & SW Spokane)

‘BLUE HOLIDAYS’ SERVICE: From the seasonal-church-services section of the Holiday Guide – 7:30 pm at Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation – “Christmas and other seasonal holidays can be a painful time. The loss of loved ones, the anguish of a broken relationship, the insecurity of employment, the weariness of poor health, the pain of isolation, or the pressure of holiday preparations and activity – all these can make us feel alone in the midst of celebrations of the season. We will hear and share stories, prayers, readings, songs, and silence. The service will be followed by light refreshments and fellowship. Everyone is welcome.” (7141 California SW)

NIGHTLIFE: Karaoke, trivia, and live music at four venues in our listings – all on the complete year-round calendar.

And this note:

REMINDER FOR THE NORTH ADMIRAL AREA: Today is the day the city says Fire Station 29 will be moving from its temporary home of nine months (across SW Hill from Admiral UCC Church) back to its permanent HQ, after seismic and other upgrades. (2139 Ferry SW)

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Foggy Tuesday updates and alerts

December 15, 2015 6:59 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle traffic alerts

(Six WS-relevant views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
6:59 AM: As you can see on the traffic cams, it’s foggy as we head into the heart of the commute. No incidents in the area so far.

7:17 AM: Crash at 35th and Willow, with one SFD engine responding.

7:21 AM: The “low bridge” has just closed to surface traffic, according to @SDOTbridges.

7:35 AM: And it’s open again.

7:40 AM: … and closed to surface traffic again.

8:03 AM: Just reopened.

P.S. In case you missed it on Monday, this is what’s happening at the Highway 99 tunnel “access pit” alongside the Viaduct now.

Return of the dropbox(es)? King County Council promises more

When King County went to all-mail voting seven years ago, it was hailed as a way to make voting easier, bound to increase participation. That hasn’t turned out to be the case, especially this year – countywide, 75 percent of registered voters sat out the August primary, 60 percent didn’t vote in November.

Is inconvenience the problem? West Seattle, for example, hasn’t had a permanent ballot dropbox – one where you could take your ballot any time, free – since this one:

That’s our photo of the Delridge Neighborhood Service Center ballot drop in 2009, months before it was removed. Now, either you drop your ballot in the postal mail, with a stamp, or you wait for the county’s dropoff van to come by for three of the last four days before the voting deadline.

That might change as soon as next year. Today, the County Council approved “a motion requesting the development of a plan that will expand access while ensuring geographic equity and convenience for voters,” according to a news release from County Councilmember Rob Dembowski, who made the motion. Also quoted is County Elections Director-elect Julie Wise, saying, “Additional ballot drop box locations are a priority for my office and will be a great start in expanding access for the voters of King County.” The announcement notes that 39 dropboxes were authorized around the county at the time by-mail voting began, but budget cuts led to far fewer boxes (though that wasn’t the reason cited when we inquired in 2010), so county councilmembers are seeking a plan for more, and they want it to include:

1. A proposed number of additional drop-off locations to ensure geographic equity;
2. Proposed sites for the drop-off locations;
3. Estimated costs; and
4. An implementation timeline.

B. The plan should include an analysis of the feasibility and desirability of using all public library locations in King County, including Seattle Public Libraries and the King County Library System, as a means to ensure geographic equity and convenience for voters.

C. The plan should include an option for deployment of the expanded drop boxes for the November 2016 general election.

The plan is due to the council by next April. Documents from today’s council meeting note that the county provided 25 dropboxes this year, and only 13 were fixed; the other 12 were the temporary, just-before-election vans, including the ones deployed to West Seattle and White Center (which also used to have a fixed dropbox, at its main county library branch).

West Seattle Christmas lights: Aerial view of the Davis display

The week and a half before Christmas is prime time for light-lovers – and we are glad to have new views of the Davis family display at 46th SW & SW Genesee [map]. Duane Davis explains, “These were taken from the balconies of the new house across the street (approx. 15 ft – 40 ft above the sidewalk). There are over 6,000 LED and 4,000 incandescent light in my bushes, trees, and on the house. Our neighbors have joined in the festivities, making the drive between Genesee and Dakota very nice with lots of lights.” We’re adding this to the Christmas-lights section of the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide, and would be happy to add more – do you have a dazzling display to share, whether it’s yours or somebody else’s? We’d love photos but will also welcome simple address/neighborhood info so we can go out and photograph it ourselves – or text to 2062936302 – thanks!

WEST SEATTLE BIZNOTE: Realfine Coffee now open in The Triangle

(WSB photo by Patrick Sand)
Julie Mierzwiak is thrilled to be at the helm of her own coffee shop, serving her own community, after almost a decade working as a barista for others. Six months after she announced plans for Realfine Coffee at 4480 Fauntleroy Way SW, next to Rudy’s Barbershop, the shop is open (thanks to Dan for the tip!). Julie told us she’s been planning her own shop for years – she just didn’t know where it would be, until she found this space. The remodeled space, once home to Maestro Motors (now a short distance west on Fauntleroy), is full of West Seattle connections, Julie says – West Seattle workers did the remodeling and plumbing; even the espresso machine, by Synesso, was handmade by a West Seattleite (in Georgetown). Meantime, her coffee is Herkimer, from a small-batch roaster in North Seattle; her baked goods are from Standard Bakery; there’s a case for Molly’s sandwiches/wraps on the counter; and beer is available – local, of course (including Schooner Exact, which got its start in WS). There’s also seating – two large shareable booth-type spaces on the street side, and barstools at a counter on the other side. Realfine is open 6 am-7 pm weekdays, 7 am-6 pm weekends.

UPDATE: Police investigating gunfire that hit a car on Puget Ridge

(WSB photo)
3:07 PM: On 18th SW in Puget Ridge, north of Myrtle, police are investigating gunfire that hit a car. No one in that car (or elsewhere) is hurt, but it clearly has a bullet hole; its driver veered off the road after the bullet hit. Police are still in the area looking for shell casings and suspect(s) and talking to witnesses. More as we get it.

3:11 PM: According to scanner traffic, at least two casings have been found in the 7000 block of 18th. (The car that was hit is the Volvo in our photo.)

3:41 PM: Following up on discussion in the comments, we confirmed that Sanislo Elementary, near the scene, sheltered in place briefly, but that’s been lifted, and they are dismissing “normally,” per principal Bruce Rhodes, with whom our photographer spoke at the school.

3:52 PM: We just checked with SPD and there’s no further information available yet about circumstances, suspect, etc.

3:55 PM: Update on that: it’s now described as believed to be related to a “domestic dispute.” No arrest so far.

JUNCTION BIZNOTES: Sound Credit Union, Dumplings of Fury

Two quick West Seattle Junction biznotes:

SOUND CREDIT UNION OPENS: Six months after we reported that Sound Credit Union would open a branch at 4730 California, SCU says it’s now open, with “a 24-hour deposit-taking, walk-up ATM, (and) Saturday hours.” It’s the Tacoma-headquartered credit union’s third location in Seattle, 24th in all, and its membership is open “to anyone who lives or works in Washington State.”

DUMPLINGS OF FURY SIGNAGE: Thanks to Kathleen for the tip via Twitter that the sign on the upcoming eatery at 4302 SW Oregon was going up this morning. We went over at midday for a photograph:

When last we checked in with the proprietors, they were hoping to open around the first of the year.

Nucor delivers big holiday gift to West Seattle Food Bank

This is one of the West Seattle Food Bank‘s most-heartwarming and belly-filling days of the year – the day they welcome a big gift from Nucor Steel and its employees.

This year, employees collected 5,200 pounds of food – more than 2 1/2 tons! We stopped by as they were unloading. They also donated cash and checks that with additional/matching donations from the company brought WSFB a check totaling $21,708.

Your help is appreciated too – for example, if you’d like to donate a turkey or two for Christmas, the food bank tells us next Monday is the optimal dropoff day. They’re on the southeast corner of 35th and Morgan, with donors welcome to use the garage entry off Morgan south of 35th. More info about donating can be found here.

CONGRATULATIONS! West Seattle Red Bulls win state championship

West Seattle’s newest state-champion team is the WS Red Bulls boys’ U11 team from the West Seattle Soccer Club! Last month, we shared the news that the team had won the District 3 championship – in a final that included another WSSC team. This past weekend, they won it all – James Ross shares the photos and this report:

On Saturday, the WS Red Bulls ’04 U11 boys soccer team from the West Seattle Soccer Club won both the semi-final and the Championship game in the Washington Youth Soccer Association Recreational Cup held at the Starfire Sports Complex. These boys are bringing the WYSA Rec Cup to West Seattle as 2015 STATE CHAMPIONS!!!

Winning the Rec Cup State Championship is the culmination of a dominating year for the Red Bulls, with the team having amassed 20 wins and no losses (scoring 91 goals and allowing only 6!) during the Fall season. In the WYSA State tournament, the Red Bulls stepped up their play and went 7-0, scoring 34 goals and allowing only 1 while facing the state’s best teams!

The semi-final game was a very tight match, with the Red Bulls facing off against the SC Nomads from Vancouver, WA (District 5). The only goal came late in the game when a handball penalty awarded the RB’s with a free kick that found the back of the net, allowing the team to escape with a 1-0 victory. In the championship game, the Red Bulls matched up against the South Beach Wildcats from Westport (District 7). The Red Bulls wasted no time getting on the board early in the first minute. The RB defense remained dominate by shutting down all attacks while the midfielders and forwards kept pressure on the Nomads’ defense the entire game on the way to a 3-0 victory.

As a team parent, I can’t express how incredibly proud I am of these young men. All of the early Sunday morning training sessions and late practices, sometimes in the dark, rain and wind, really tested their commitment (and mine!)… but they were fueled by a vision that Coach Eric had for them… that these boys had the chance to come together as a team, dedicate themselves, and create something special. He promised them a memory that they could share for the rest of their lives. Watching this group raise the Cup while beaming with pride was proof that the promise had been fulfilled!

Thanks go out to Coach Eric, Coach Russ and Coach Scott for growing these boys both as teammates and as individuals, to the other parents that sacrificed their evenings and weekends to the vision… and to the West Seattle Soccer Club for providing an outstanding opportunity for kids to learn and excel in the beautiful game!


The West Seattle Red Bulls consist of:

#2 Roman Centioli – Defense
#3 Jameson Yount – Defense
#4 Jack Nishimoto – Defense
#5 Charles Twombley – Forward
#6 Preston Ross – Defense
#7 Robbie Foisy – Mid Field
#8 Payton Kyle – Mid Field
#9 Dylan Roberts – Forward
#10 Kai Perala – Mid Field
#11 Aaron Johnson – Defense
#12 Jake Beardemphl – Mid Field
#13 P.J. Barton – Mid Field
#14 Kaeden Quinn – Forward
#15 Chase Clifton – Goal Keeper

Head Coach – Eric Beardemphl
Asst. Coach – Russ Nishimoto
Asst. Coach – Scott Roberts

VIDEO: Highway 99 tunnel-machine pit prep before restart

(Video clip updated late Monday by WSDOT, so we’ve substituted the new “extended” one)
According to an update this morning from WSDOT, the newest schedule from its contractor Seattle Tunnel Partners still says the tunneling machine is expected to start up again next week, two days before Christmas. (WSDOT, meantime, reiterates that it “cannot verify” the schedule.) Meantime, it’s also published the video clip you see above, showing one of the final steps in access-pit preparation before the machine can get going again – backfilling with sand, which started yesterday and is expected to continue all week. This and other prep steps are all detailed, with graphics, on WSDOT’s project website. It’s now been more than two years before the machine overheated and stopped tunneling.

West Seattle Monday: Crafts, cookies, giving trees, trivia, more…

December 14, 2015 10:38 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Varied thrush, photographed in West Seattle by Mark Wangerin)

From the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide and year-round Event Calendar:

LAST DAY FOR GIVING TREES AT THE Y: Don’t let anyone on these trees go without a gift! It’s the last day of gift donations for the West Seattle and Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsor): “The West Seattle & Fauntleroy YMCA hosts a Giving Tree each December, which is full of gift requests for youth involved in our programs. Making an impact is easy! Stop by either Y location in West Seattle, pick a tag off of the tree, purchase the new gift and return unwrapped to either Y location by” end of the day today. (4515 36th SW or 9140 California SW)

ALZHEIMER’S CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP: This twice-monthly Alzheimer’s Association-affiliated group meets today at The Mount, 1:30-3 pm; details in our listing. (4831 35th SW)

TEEN HOLIDAY CRAFTS/WRAPPING: 2:30-4 pm today and daily through Friday, teens are invited to this drop-in event at Hiawatha Community Center, to make gifts and/or wrap them. (2700 California SW)

VIDEO-GAME LAUNCH: 3:30-4:30 pm at High Point Library, help three local teens launch the video game they built as part of a library workshop. (35th SW & SW Raymond)

HOLIDAY COOKIE-DECORATING CLASS: For the whole family at Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor), 6 pm. Reservations required – get all the info here and check ASAP if there’s room left! (1936 Harbor SW)

‘AFTER HOURS’ HOLIDAY REUNION: 7:30 pm at ArtsWest Playhouse and Gallery – details and ticket info here. (4711 California SW)

QUIZ/TRIVIA NIGHT: Three venues are listed on our calendar for tonight – check it for the places/times.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Overnight car theft; weekend car prowl; tool-theft followup; package-theft alert

(UPDATED 10:39 AM with package-theft alert in Gatewood)

ORIGINAL REPORT, 9:22 AM: Two West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports this morning. First, watch for Tony‘s stolen car:

I woke up this morning and went I to leave for work my car was gone. I reported my stolen car with SPD and my insurance. (3200 block of) California Ave (car was parked behind building in alley parking spot). 1998 Honda Civic 4 door sedan/Burgundy.Car has a laborers sticker in the back and a local 440 union sticker in rear window.

Here’s a photo of the plate in its distinctive holder:

One difference from the photo – the tabs have since been renewed, so they would read 10/2016. If you see the car, call 911.

Also from the WSB inbox this morning, Lindsey reports a weekend car prowl:

Just wanted to let you know over the weekend our car was prowled on 32nd Ave SW (near Genesee). We forgot to lock it and came out the next morning and found our center console rummaged through. I believe they only took an old iPod. I am about to report it on the police site next. But just a heads up for our neighbors.

And a followup on Jane‘s garage burglary on Genesee Hill, in which tools worth $1,800 were stolen, reported here December 4th. A neighbor’s surveillance camera yielded this image:

That’s as clear (and large) as it gets, she says, but if you think you recognize it, please contact her directly and/or share the tip with police by referring to case #15-420895, not in a comment; thanks.

ADDED 10:39 AM: Sarah in Gatewood just sent this, so we’re adding ASAP:

Just saw two males taking Amazon packages off a doorstep on Othello (3600 block). The driver was white – 30ish round face, the guy taking packages was maybe Asian/Mexican in a red and black oversize hoodie – he looked about 5’8 and skinny. It was an older white SUV, maybe a Ford – with a window that was broken out, but taped up on the driver’s side, and one of the driver-side doors had a big black circle. License plate ATS68–. Cops are being notified too.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Watching what’s up on your Monday

(Six WS-relevant views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
6:03 AM: Welcome to the last full week of fall; the winter solstice is one week from tonight. This is also the last week before schools’ winter break.

HIGHWAY 99 ALERTS: If you use Highway 99 north of the Battery Street Tunnel, nighttime road work might affect you starting this week. Details are on the WSDOT website. As previewed here last Friday, Seattle Public Utilities also plans overnight work starting tonight, with southbound lane closures.

SURVEY FOR ORCA CARDHOLDERS: If you have an ORCA card, this survey’s for you.

RAPIDRIDE C/D LINE’S 2016 SPLIT: In case you missed this on Friday, an update on the March plan sparked some discussion here.

7:40 AM: If you ride the 21X or 22 from the southwesternmost area of the routes, note that a tree on Marine View Drive has led Metro to reroute those buses between 104th and 106th – info’s here. Trisha tells us via e-mail that SDOT is on scene now.

8:06 AM: Our crew is there checking out the tree-removal operation and reports that there’s still a significant chunk of it in the roadway, so MV Drive SW remains closed between 104th and 106th.

8:50 AM: Tree clear, Metro tweets:

PHOTOS: Southside Revolution Junior Roller Derby on a roll with season’s first bout

(First 3 photos by WSB’s Patrick Sand)
‘Tis the season for .. roller derby! We stopped at our area’s only roller rink, Southgate, last night during the first bout of Southside Revolution Junior Coed Roller Derby‘s second season. The theme – as you might have seen in the preview we published – “Skate Wars,” playing off this coming week’s “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” premiere. Note the ref’s handle:

Southside Revolution’s two teams faced off with their counterparts from the Kitsap Derby Brats (in red) from the other side of the Sound. The theme carried on into a bake sale during the bout:

After the younger “positional” teams – Southside Revolution Cadets (ages 8-12) and the KDB Rawkettes – bouted, the older “full contact teams” took the floor:

They are the SSR Rebels (ages 12-17) and the KDB Bomb Squad. Thanks to team mom Lashanna Williams for the photos above and below this line:

Lashanna confirms Southside Revolution won both bouts. (Added – from coach Pam – scores were: SSR Cadets 282 – Kitsap Rawkettes 212, and SSR Rebels 342 ~ Kitsap Bomb Squad 90.) The team launched last year and practices at Southgate.

P.S. For photos of the halftime “Star Wars” costume contest (and more from the bouts), see photographer Jeff Jackson‘s set.

UPDATE: Pedestrian hit at Delridge/Kenyon, taken to hospital

December 13, 2015 7:52 pm
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 |   Delridge | West Seattle news | WS breaking news

7:52 PM: The original call is for a medic response at Delridge and Kenyon; via Twitter, a tipster says it’s blocking the road, so we’re off to check.

8:10 PM: Seattle Fire had cleared the scene before we got there; two SPD units remained, in the pullout by the bus stop on the northbound side, so traffic had resumed flowing both ways. The officers told us a driver hit a pedestrian – injuries not life-threatening; the pedestrian was taken to the hospital by private ambulance.

West Seattle scenes: Rainbow & sunset colors between storms

Tonight, we had enough of a break between storms for this vivid sunset to blaze through. Top photo is by Chris Frankovich; next one, with a pre-sunset rainbow at Alki, is by Marcus G:

And the glow from Upper Alki was caught by JayDee:

This had us wondering about winter solstice – it officially arrives one week from tomorrow, at 8:49 pm our time on Monday, December 21st.

Small prices, big fun @ Hotwire Coffee ‘Deck the Walls’ art sale & open house

December 13, 2015 2:56 pm
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle news

Game’s over, back to holiday fun! Until 5 pm, you can see and shop tables and walls full of art at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) during the Deck the Walls” art sale and open house. Ornaments too!

The art’s all under $50 and 100 percent of the proceeds go to the artists. You can also get your purchase(s) wrapped, compliments of Furry Faces Foundation. And say hi to the Hotwire team and friends – below from left, Tara, Mia, and proprietor Lora:

Hotwire’s at 4410 California SW, right next to the Junction Post Office.

P.S. The art sale continues beyond the open house, during Hotwire’s regular hours for the rest of the holiday season.

Caroling, cocoa, coat (etc.) donations @ Junction Hometown Holidays

This morning’s chilly wind is a reminder of why the donations you see in the wagon above – and more to come, we’re sure – matter so much. A coat, or blanket, or hat you don’t need can help warm up someone who does. Bring your donation(s) to the Hometown Holidays tent at the south end of the West Seattle Farmers’ Market, where volunteers from the West Seattle High School Key Club are assisting Kiwanis Club members with the collection, and with offering hot cocoa, as well as keeping the tent from sailing away on gusts!

You can also enjoy caroling by the Endolyne Children’s Choir:

It’s all on until 2 pm, as is the Farmers’ Market itself. If you miss this but still have items to donate, we have a list of giving opportunities in the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide!

UPDATE: Boat rescue call near Alki Point

10:47 AM: Big Seattle Fire response is en route to the 3200 block of Alki SW for a report of a boat fire. Updates shortly.

(Added: Photo by Gary Jones)
10:59 AM: This is wrapping up. SFD tells us at the scene that a 12-foot boat got loose and flipped, but no one was on board.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Two car-prowl reader reports, including the case of thieves who immediately went shopping

In West Seattle Crime Watch: Two car-prowl reports. First, from the victim of one south of Morgan Junction – maybe you’ve seen one or more of the stolen items?

I want to report a brazen daytime car prowl in broad daylight. I’m a professional landscaper; this is my livelihood. I was working with my crew in the 6900 block of Frontenac [map] on Friday morning (Dec 11) between 9 am and 10 am, loading my truck with yard waste. When I had my back turned someone grabbed my bag from the front seat. The items of interest to the thief (iPhone and credit cards) are not as important to me as my: multicolored woven basket purse, canvas handbag with a ferris wheel on the flap, Key Bank checkbook and register, black spiral bound calendar, yellow legal pad, gray raincoat. If any neighbors see these items discarded, please add a comment. Incidentally, the thieves began charging on my credit card approximately 30 minutes after the theft: $750 at The Rack, lunch at McDonald’s, a couple of gas station purchases. Unbelievable.

This also is reported to have happened Friday:

Car prowled (Friday) night at SW Barton & 22nd Av SW [map], in the driveway. Nothing was in the car so nothing was stolen, but the glove box was open and the driver’s side door was ajar.

Crime report to share so your neighbors all around West Seattle know? Once you’ve reported it to police – send us the info too – If it’s breaking news, text or call 206-293-6302, any time day or night.

Music, coat drive & cocoa, open houses, and more for your West Seattle Sunday

Here’s some of what you can do in West Seattle today, from the listings in our WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide and regular year-round Event Calendar:

ARTS & CRAFTS AT C & P: C & P Coffee (WSB sponsor) hosts the second and final day of its Holiday Arts & Crafts Fair featuring unique, local arts and crafts, including handmade jewelry, toys, clothing, prints, paintings, furniture and more.

8 am-2 pm. (5612 California SW)

LAST SCHEDULED DAY FOR HOLY ROSARY TREE LOT: Shopping for your Christmas tree? The Holy Rosary Tree Lot (WSB sponsor) is scheduled to be open for its last day. 9 am-9 pm. (41st SW & SW Dakota)

JUNCTION HOMETOWN HOLIDAYS COAT/BLANKET DRIVE: Caroling, cocoa, and coat donations (plus blankets and other warm items you can spare). 10 am-2 pm. “Join the Junction Association and West Seattle Kiwanis at the Farmers Market for a taste of the holidays and several activities to enjoy. And to share warmth with those in need, we will collect coats, blankets and warm items.” (California/Alaska)

‘ULTIMATE CHRISTMAS PARTY’: Noon at the Sisson Building, presented by Calvary Chapel/West Seattle – details in the calendar listing. (California SW & SW Oregon)

HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE: Innate Vitality‘s open house, 12:30-3 pm, including free sample classes: yoga, strength, pilates, & barre, and holiday shopping with Urban Treasury. (4509 SW Wildwood Place)

‘DECK THE WALLS’: Open House and Deck the Walls, at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor), 2 pm-5 pm. “Who loves local art, easy holiday shopping, and a sparkling open house? Celebrate original art and shopping local with the annual Hotwire holiday open house. Holiday-inspired food, sparkling drinks, giveaways, raffles … Join Hotwire and co-host Todd D. Martin Lifestyle Designer. Shop local directly from the walls. All art will be priced under $50 and 100% of the proceeds goes directly to the artist. We’ll wrap it too, compliments of Furry Faces Foundation.” (4410 California SW)

DUWAMISH WINTER SONGS AND STORIES: 2-3:30 pm at the Duwamish Tribe Longhouse in West Seattle, with Johnny Moses; details in the calendar listing. (4705 W. Marginal Way SW)

HOLY ROSARY CONCERT: Cantare’ Vocal Ensemble presents the “Sounds of the Season” holiday concert at 2 pm at Holy Rosary Church. Conducted by Mark Adrian and accompanied by the CVE Chamber Orchestra, “Sounds of the Season” brings together traditional arrangments and new comtemporary settings of joyous choral music to help you ring in the holidays. Concert and ticket information is available at (4210 SW Genesee)

CONCERT AT ST. JOHN’S Seattle Metropolitan Singers “invite you to join us for our annual holiday concert at 3 pm. The concert will be held at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church. Admission is by free-will donation” (3050 California SW)

LADIES MUSICAL CLUB: Seattle’s oldest musical group presents a free concert at 3 pm at the West Seattle (Admiral) Library, with “staged and costumed scenes from Carl Maria von Weber’s DER FREISCHÜTZ, considered the first important German Romantic opera.” (2306 42nd SW)

FINAL PERFORMANCE: Last chance to join Twelfth Night Productions for “A Christmas Carol: A Live Radio Play.” 3 pm at Kenyon Hall; check for tickets at this Brown Paper Tickets link or an hour before showtime at the venue box office. (7904 35th SW)

FAUNTLEROY CONCERT: Enjoy the second performance of this Christmas Concert at Fauntleroy Church, 4 pm. Featuring the Fauntleroy Chancel Choir, Peace Lutheran Choir, and local instrumentalists. (9140 California SW)

WEATHER/TRAFFIC: ‘Wind advisory’ alert; crashes tonight

8:32 PM: You might have noticed about two hours ago that the wind suddenly picked up in a big way – “house-rocking” velocity, we observed via Twitter at the time, but the National Weather Service hadn’t issued any alerts. Now, it has, as pointed out by Heather pointed out; the wind advisory warns of gusts up to 50 mph, and is in effect until noon Sunday.

8:55 PM P.S. – TRAFFIC: Thanks to everyone who’s called/texted/tweeted about trouble on the bridge tonight – first, a westbound crash; more recently, an eastbound crash, both on the westernmost section, between Fauntleroy/35th and Admiral. In both cases, lanes reopened before we could even publish something here, but we monitor traffic fairly closely on Twitter, so if you’re heading out or back, check there first.

10:28 PM: Roger caught the westbound 35th crash on his dashcam – it’s toward the end of the minute-long clip:

And thanks to Jason for a photo from Olson/Cambridge, where he says a crash reported about an hour ago involved this vehicle hitting a light fixture:

No major injuries reported in any of these crashes.