West Seattle Wednesday: Drama, donations, dogs, more…

(Thanks to Amy Shuster for the post-storm Tuesday night photo from High Point)
Happy post-storm Wednesday! Some of what you need to know about (please see our full calendar for the complete list – LOTS more happening today/tonight):

SCHOOL BOARD: We previewed tonight’s Seattle School Board meeting earlier this week. It starts at 4:15 pm downtown, public comment at 5 pm – you’ll see the speaker list on the final revised agenda – key votes at 6 pm. (3rd & Lander)

‘THE EMPOWERMENT PROJECT’: Free movie! This documentary tells the story of inspirational women, geared for middle-school age and up. Here’s the trailer:

The showing’s at Fauntleroy Church Fellowship Hall – and if you just can’t make it tonight, maybe you can make the Friday night showing. No admission charge but you need to save your seat(s), and you can do that here. (9140 California SW)

DOGS IN PARKS: Do dogs and their people need more or less room to roam in city parks? Policy changes are on the table as the city works on a “strategic plan,” and you’ll hear about it at tonight’s Delridge Neighborhoods District Council meeting, as previewed here. 7 pm, all welcome, Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

MADISON MS PTSA: 7 pm at Madison Middle School, tonight’s PTSA meeting has a special focus on 8th grade families, with a guest from West Seattle High School to “to help our families prepare for entering high school.” (45th SW & SW Spokane)

WORDSWEST LITERARY SERIES AND BAKE SALE: 7 pm tonight at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), this month’s edition features “Seeking What Nourishes with Allison Green and Hannah Faith Notessh. Favorite Poem by West Seattle Food Bank” – and bring a donation for WSFB *or* money for the benefit bake sale. (5612 California SW)

‘THE DEAD GUY’: 7:30 pm, next performance of West Seattle High School Drama Club‘s student production, in the WSHS Theater. (3000 California SW)

And another chance to give, from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide:

DONATE TURKEYS FOR WCFB: Tonight’s your chance to donate turkeys in the evening. Our listing: “Come to the White Center Food Bank (10829 8th Ave SW) during our regular business hours (Monday – Friday 9 am to 5 pm, and Wednesday until 8 pm) to drop off turkeys with our receptionists; or come by Fauntleroy United Church of Christ (Fauntleroy UCC at 9140 California Ave SW) Sunday, November 22, from 10 am to 12 pm, to drop off a turkey at our Mobile Food Bank truck in their parking lot; or financial gifts are always appreciated, and you can donate online at whitecenterfoodbank.org/donate.”

3 Replies to "West Seattle Wednesday: Drama, donations, dogs, more..."

  • Diane November 18, 2015 (12:51 pm)

    re “SCHOOL BOARD: We previewed tonight’s Seattle School Board meeting earlier this week. It starts at 4:15 pm downtown”
    just read through both stories; cannot find location of meeting

  • WSB November 18, 2015 (12:56 pm)

    3rd & Lander, at the end of the listing above. That’s district HQ, and that’s how we always describe it.

  • Audrey Zemke November 18, 2015 (7:01 pm)

    The White Center Food Bank will be collecting turkeys at Fauntleroy UCC on Sunday, November 22 but is NOT open tonight past 5.

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