WEATHER/TRAFFIC UPDATE: 35th SW open again after flooding south of Barton

ORIGINAL REPORT, 2:27 PM: After a lengthy downpour, reports of storm-related trouble are coming in. First one: The reader photo above shows 35th SW south of Barton, looking north at water over the road. It’s been raining so hard, some drains are bound to have become overwhelmed, especially with leaves still left to come off the trees – if you’re able, go check your nearest drains and make sure they’re clear.

2:37 PM: Per scanner, police are looking to block off traffic in the area as the water is at an unsafe level. We’re heading over to check. We’ve also received a report of a mudslide near Delridge and Orchard but we haven’t verified yet exactly where and how/whether it’s affecting traffic.

2:53 PM: Confirmed – police are blocking 35th SW both ways on the south side of the Barton intersection – only buses are being allowed through. The water’s so deep, it’s up over the sidewalk on the west side of 35th SW.

3:39 PM: We checked all sides of Delridge/Orchard, for a few blocks each way, and there’s no mudslide (or deep water) affecting traffic.

3:55 PM: Just checked back at 35th/Barton – open now.

12 Replies to "WEATHER/TRAFFIC UPDATE: 35th SW open again after flooding south of Barton"

  • ACG November 13, 2015 (2:38 pm)

    That spot always has troubles with a hard rain.

  • CJ November 13, 2015 (2:55 pm)

    Standing water also on SW Trenton just east of 35th.

  • westseattledood November 13, 2015 (2:57 pm)

    Barton and Delridge and Barton at Westwood Village South Entrance were flooded. That was about 45 minutes ago?

    • WSB November 13, 2015 (3:00 pm)

      Thanks, we’re checking out some other locations shortly; this is the only one we had photo-verified and it’s the only closed street we know of, so far. Adding as we confirm. – TR

      • WSB November 13, 2015 (3:07 pm)

        Update, just passing Westwood, all’s well. Still water in the gutter by the bus stop on south side of Barton but no flooding. We’re headed now to look for this rumored possible mud near Delridge and Orchard …

  • sam-c November 13, 2015 (3:26 pm)

    Thanks for the updates- Helps us figure out which way to go to pick up kids.

  • HelperMonkey November 13, 2015 (4:00 pm)

    ditto to what sam-c said! was great to have an idea of the detour before heading out. thanks!!

    • WSB November 13, 2015 (4:03 pm)

      I just updated the story after we circled back – clear now. We’ve been all around the peninsula and the rain has even stopped.

  • ~Hockeywitch~ November 13, 2015 (4:45 pm)

    Was at the 7-11 there getting gas when I heard the lady at the next pump say, “Oh My God, will you look at that?” to the guy she was with… I turned and looked too… needed scuba gear or pontoons on your vehicle to get through. Then the police came and blocked it off.

  • Triangle resident November 13, 2015 (4:58 pm)

    The fumes in the back of this c line bus are almost overwhelming. Someone just opened a window luckily.

  • newnative November 13, 2015 (5:21 pm)

    What a mess, cancelled or mia 56/57. Been waiting 25 minutes after waiting almost 20 minutes for (C)rapidride in Queen Anne. No alerts.

  • Trickycoolj November 13, 2015 (7:21 pm)

    Looked like quite a bit of gravel was in the road on Orchard/Dumar. I suspect the water was a literal river down the road there and maybe it looked like a mudslide? It was just east of the turn for Stanislo where there’s the big grass parking strip. I thought a truck had spilled a load or construction came through there there was so much gravel in the lane compared to this morning.

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