10:33 AM: Northbound California is blocked at Findlay because of a crash involving two cars, one of which (as shown in our top photo) went up onto the NE curb and hit stopped just short of a hydrant, right next to the RapidRide stop. Police are directing traffic around the scene, alternating use of the southbound lane. So far, it doesn’t appear that anyone will have to go to the hospital.

10:55 AM: Added two more photos. The one above this line is courtesy of Robert; the one below is ours, showing the other car that was involved.

11:51 AM: Just a note – we haven’t been able to go back and see if the street is clear yet. If you go through the area and can verify, please comment – thanks!
12:27 PM: Thanks to William for sending word that the road is now open both ways.
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