1:11 PM: Just in from SDOT:
Crews from the Seattle Department of Transportation have been installing new, upgraded traffic cameras on the West Seattle Bridge and Spokane Street Viaduct between Southwest Avalon Way and I-5 and expect to complete the work this Saturday. Drivers can expect rolling lane closures both in eastbound and westbound lanes on Saturday from 5 a.m. until the work is completed, now estimated by midafternoon.
Once installed, the upgraded cameras will then need to be connected to the internet. Traffic engineers expect to have them up and operating by the middle of next week.
The public will be able to access both still and streaming images from the new cameras once they are operating. Links to the views will be available on SDOT’s Travelers Information web page.
We’re checking with SDOT on whether these are just replacement cameras or additions to the current bridge views (which you can see on the WSB Traffic page, when they’re working).
1:21 PM UPDATE: SDOT spokesperson Marybeth Turner replies that these are replacements for current cameras, not new views.
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