(Four WS-relevant views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
7:39 AM: The SDOT cameras are fixed, so the bridge views are back … and backed up, though it’s mostly “just” the rain – the big incidents this morning are NOT on the outbound routes from here, but instead on northbound I-5 *south* of West Seattle (truck crashes at Albro and in Federal Way).
8:05 AM: That said, as pointed out in comments, alternate routes are affected as people divert. Meantime, a transportation-related note on tonight’s calendar: The first and biggest of three City Council forums/debates in West Seattle this week is tonight, and you can expect to hear a lot about transportation since the WS Transportation Coalition is co-presenting with the WS Chamber of Commerce. All are welcome, 6:15 pm mingling, 6:45 pm debating, citywide Positions 8 and 9 first, then West Seattle/South Park District 1 – it’s happening at Neighborhood House’s High Point Center (6400 Sylvan Way).
9:09 AM: Bridge trouble, per SDOT:
Stall on the West Seattle Br EB before SR 99 in left center lane. Use caution and expect delays pic.twitter.com/UKPpc7jCXW
— seattledot (@seattledot) October 13, 2015
9:22 AM: And don’t take the low bridge as an alternate route right now:
The Lower Spokane St Bridge has closed to traffic – 9:21:16 AM
— seattleDOTbridges (@SDOTbridges) October 13, 2015