Two road-work alerts for next week, to keep in mind before you check out for the long holiday weekend:
ARBOR HEIGHTS MICROSURFACING RESCHEDULED: The work originally scheduled for this week was postponed because of the stormy weather – and now, SDOT says it’s set the new dates, next Wednesday and Thursday, September 9th and 10th. However, they can’t just do it all as originally scheduled because SW 104th Street, now home to the new Westside School campus, is part of the project area, so they’re working on a specific plan for 104th. Otherwise, the rest of the area is getting neighborhood notifications of the new schedule today. We’ll have an update when the 104th plan is finalized and added in.
49TH SW CLOSURE: From Seattle Public Utilities:
Seattle Public Utilities will repair the sewer line near the intersection of 49th Avenue SW and SW Edmunds Street. This work will require closing 49th Avenue SW to through traffic between SW Alaska Street and SW Edmunds Street. Local access will be available with the assistance of a traffic flagger. Contractor crews plan to start work the week of September 8. Work will take up to five business days to complete with hours of 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM. The lanes will remain closed for the duration of work hours and will be opened to traffic after non-work hours. Metro bus 37 will run as normal.