Views from a midsummer Saturday …

FIRST SUNSET OF AUGUST: Thanks to Greg for the photo from the Weather Watch Park vicinity. Lots of smoke in the air from another round of regional forest/brush fires.
Different kind of smoke in the eastern sky earlier:

BLUE ANGELS’ SATURDAY SHOW: Thanks to Liz Virnig for the photo above, a northeast view of the Blue Angels from West Seattle. On the other side of that view, looking back this way, Alki photographer David Hutchinson watched them from Queen Anne’s Kerry Park:

And for a closer look, Doug Branch shares the next photo:

Tomorrow is the final show of Seafair – the timing should be close to today, 1:35 pm takeoff (we watched from outside the Museum of Flight) and 2:25 pm landing. (Official schedule here.) Here’s our short Instagram video clip (mouse over to show the “play” button) from just after they fired up the engines before taxiing to the runway:
(If you thought you heard them sooner – they were preceded by other military jets participating in the airshow, including the Air Force‘s F-22 Raptor.)
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