Sometimes, businesses close quietly … not even a note on the door. Not the Feedback Lounge in Morgan Junction. Almost three weeks after its proprietors announced its days were numbered, the closing-night party to end all closing-night parties is under way right now. We stopped in for a few photos – above, co-proprietors Paul Larkin and Jeff Gilbert; below, co-proprietor and award-winning mixologist Matt Johnson:

The Feedback opened in spring 2009, showing personality even earlier – like a sign outside promising “opening soon-ish.” It sported rock ‘n’ roll memorabilia as part of the decor, and eventually got around to live bands, with two performing tonight:

We got there during Dead Letters‘ set (above); The Black Bangs was to follow. Many will remember the Feedback even more for its community spirit, hosting benefits for causes big and small, each one with a poster created by Gilbert, a prolific graphic artist – who told us tonight, “West Seattle can’t get rid of me!” so expect to keep seeing him around. As for the space at 6451 California SW, which was home to Beveridge Place Pub before its move across the alley, and to Full Moon Saloon before that – somebody’s moving in, but nobody’s saying who, yet.