SDOT walking tours, open house ahead for Roxbury, 35th SW plans

April 15, 2015 10:55 am
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 |   Transportation | West Seattle news

While sending a reminder about tomorrow’s “open house” drop-in info session about the SW Roxbury plan announced last week, SDOT also announced walking tours in May, for the 35th SW project updated last month as well as for Roxbury. Here’s the lineup:

*Tomorrow (3-4:30 pm), Roxbury project open house @ Southwest Library (35th/Henderson)

*May 16th (9 am-noon), 35th SW walking tour (details/meeting place TBA)

*May 20th (evening), Roxbury walking tour (details/meeting place TBA)

Along with our coverage links above, here are SDOT’s project pages:

*SW Roxbury
*35th SW

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