West Seattle, Washington
07 Friday
Victory tonight for West Seattle High School‘s girls-varsity basketball team in their first home game of the season, 72-19 over visiting Kennedy Catholic HS. In the photo above, #4 is Lydia Giomi, the Wildcats’ top scorer for the night, with 16 points. Tied for second with 12 points each were Gabby Sarver and Emily Fiso.
Next opponent for the WSHS girls – coached by Sonya Elliott and assistants Ashley Ioane and Karyn Golgart – is Nathan Hale, also at home, 7:30 pm Wednesday (after the 5:45 JV game); the Wildcat boys play Hale at home tomorrow, same start times.
(WSB photo from Christmas Ship’s 2012 West Seattle visit)
On Saturday night, as listed in the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide, the Christmas Ship makes its first two West Seattle stops – and at the second one, you’ll have extra reasons to celebrate on shore. Alki Community Center recreation-program coordinator Marc Hoffman shares the details:
On Saturday, December 13 the Seattle Parks Department and Advisory Councils of the Southwest Geo district are proud to host the annual Argosy Christmas Ship arrival at Alki Beach. Music, cookies, and hot drinks will be served at the Alki Bathhouse. Music is provided by the Endolyne Children’s Choir and Hope Lutheran Church Choir. The music starts at 4 pm and the ship arrives at 5:10 pm and will perform for 20 minutes. After the ship departs, live music continues in the Bathhouse until 6 pm. Coffee is donated by Tully’s Coffee. The entire event is free to the public. See you there!
Saturday night’s first stop for the Christmas Ship and its floating entourage will be Lowman Beach, 4:20-4:40 pm (note that access and parking are different than years past because of the construction across the street); the Dickens Carolers will be on board for that stop as well as Alki.
5:14 PM: The National Weather Service has just published a “special weather statement” alert that warns of major rain in the next few days – leading to a landslide threat if you’re on a slope/bluff – and possibly strong wind on Thursday. See the alert’s full text here.
7:59 PM: Lura points out that people near the water will want to take note of the “coastal-flooding advisory” for Tuesday morning, too. The stormy weather will compound the already-high high tide forecast for 7:22 am (12.2 feet) to 13.6 feet, which is just above the “minor coastal overflow” threshold, as noted in the text of the alert.
(TOPLINES: State insists Viaduct safe. Council wants to know specifics of what would make it unsafe. State says it’s up to tunnel contractor to figure out what happens next)
(Screengrab substituted for video window after meeting; will add archived video when available)
2:47 PM: The City Council regularly gets briefed on the Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Project, but with the disclosures of the past few days, the meeting under way now takes on extra weight. Watch in the video window above (click “play” for the live stream); we’ll note key points as it goes.
Regarding the “settling,” WSDOT officials say it does seem to have coincided with the “dewatering” process, which they explain involves a series of wells, to reduce the pressure as the contractor dug further down toward 120 feet in depth. This new settling, it’s explained, was detected by a wider swing in the survey area revealing “deep benchmarks” had settled – where they weren’t supposed to. “Local” settling is what they WERE expecting. But adding that to the “deep benchmark” settling, they came up with the inch of settling reported last Friday.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Ever wish for advance alert of an upcoming meteor shower/eclipse/etc. – and/or wonder “What’s that bright ‘star’ up there?” This should help. It’s our periodic feature by West Seattle’s own Solar System Ambassador Alice Enevoldsen, famed for her solstice/equinox sunset watches, among other things.
By Alice Enevoldsen
Special to West Seattle Blog
Watch for the Geminid meteor shower, Mars, Jupiter, Orion, and Saturn this month. The winter solstice happens this month, though our closest approach to the Sun and our latest sunrise both happen in early January.
I’ve also included things you can look for if you’re out watching the Christmas Ships next weekend or any other clear evening we happen to get, such as after the solstice Sunset Watch on Sunday, December 21st.
Chief Sealth International High School social-studies teacher Noah Zeichner has been announced as one of 50 finalists for a $1 million international award, the Global Teacher Prize. As pointed out in the Seattle Times (WSB partner) report on the announcement, Zeichner was honored by the Seattle-based World Affairs Council last March as Global Educator of the Year. One of his best-known projects at Sealth is World Water Week, which he co-founded with a then-student. From the 50 finalists, a Top 10 list will be announced in February, and the winner in March. You can see the full list of finalists from around the world by going here.
(EDITOR’S NOTE: For the first time in a long time, the Southwest Design Review Board had a two-project meeting last Thursday night. Our report on the first project, 4515 41st SW, is here. This morning, on the other side of the holiday season’s busiest weekend, here’s our report on the night’s second project.)
(NK Architects’ rendering: South side of 4505 42nd SW)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
The Southwest Design Review Board wants to see 4505 42nd SW at least one more time.
The city’s Design Review process requires at least two meetings for a project – one for Early Design Guidance, at which size/shape are the primary focuses, and one for Recommendations, at which final design touches are discussed. The board needed two meetings to sign off on EDG, and determined last Thursday night that it wants a second one on the final phase. A major sticking point was what the building should look like on its south side, considering that side is expected to eventually be hidden from view by future development.
(Photo by Jake Jaramillo)
Thanks to everyone who shared photos of this morning’s sunrise! We’re sharing two with these calendar highlights for today/tonight:
ALZHEIMER’S CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP: Are you caring for someone with Alzheimer’s/dementia? Support group meets 1:30 pm today, Providence Mount St. Vincent – details here. (4531 35th SW)
CITY COUNCIL’S VIADUCT COMMITTEE: It’s a regularly scheduled meeting, but with the past three days’ disclosures, there’s a lot to talk about. Right after the Council’s 2 pm meeting, which means approximately 2:30 pm. Live on Seattle Channel (online or cable), if you can’t be at City Hall.
DELRIDGE GROCERY UPDATE: What’s the status of the co-op grocery planned for the commercial space at Cottage Grove Commons? A Delridge Grocery board member is on the agenda for tonight’s 6:30 pm monthly meeting of the North Delridge Neighborhood Council at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
(Photo by Lise Thivierge)
EVENING BOOK GROUP: 6:45 pm at Southwest Branch Library; Jeannette Walls‘ “The Glass Castle” is this month’s book. Everyone’s welcome. (35th/Henderson)
HI-YU JUNIOR COURT CORONATION: All are invited to come celebrate the new West Seattle Hi-Yu Junior Court, 7 pm at Admiral Congregational Church. Past Hi-Yu court members are especially welcome to come show their support. (California/Hill)
AND THERE’S MORE … on the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar. (And when you have a few minutes, browse ahead to see what’s happening later this week in our West Seattle Holiday Guide!)
(WS high/low bridges and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Good morning! Heading into the peak period of the commute from here, and nothing unusual to report right now. No rain, but it’s expected back by tomorrow.
TRANSPORTATION NEWS: One big story has been unfolding since Friday night – involving the Highway 99 tunnel plan; first, on Friday afternoon, WSDOT disclosed an inch-plus of “settling” for the Alaskan Way Viaduct and the vicinity of the pit being dug to get to the stalled tunneling machine. Inspecting/surveying was done during the preplanned closure early Sunday, and then last night WSDOT said the contractor would stop digging and dewatering the pit, for now. We expect to hear more as the day goes on; the City Council’s Viaduct committee already had a meeting scheduled for 2:30 pm.
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