More free parking in The Junction: New program starts with Wallflower, Elliott Bay, Talarico’s

Three Junction businesses in the heart of the current construction zone – on California and 42nd between Alaska and Edmunds – are involved in the launch of a new program that’s adding validated free parking, courtesy of the two contractors at work there. The announcement sent by the West Seattle Junction Association explains how it works:

Construction companies, Andersen and Compass, have teamed up with the West Seattle Junction Association to offer parking relief to customers of businesses who neighbor their construction projects. With these two projects combined, more that half of the 4700 block of California/42nd is under construction. As part of developing the sites and making public safety a top priority, the projects have taken upward of 20 on-street parking spots. Adjacent businesses are feeling the pinch since they are surrounded by construction activities and lost parking.

The City of Seattle’s Access Seattle Team, composed of members of the Department of Transportation and the Office of Economic Development, helped facilitate a solution for area businesses. Both Andersen and Compass have agreed to help fund a new free parking program intended to aid their business neighbors. Customers of participating businesses can now get up to two hours of free parking in Jefferson Square’s underground parking garage using Diamond Parking’s Call to Park service. Elliott Bay Brewery, Wallflower Custom Framing, and Talarico’s Pizzeria are launching the program, but more on their block may join.

How it works: Customers of participating businesses will park in the Jefferson Square underground garage on 42nd Street and immediately bring their license plate number to business staff who will pay for 1-2 hours of free parking. Customers will be responsible for staying within the specified time or can add time using Easy!

This program is available now; please give it a try! Construction may be noisy and sometimes inconvenient, but Junction restaurants and retailers still need your business to keep what’s familiar to our West Seattle neighborhood. Though The Junction may be changing, your tried-and-true businesses will stay the course. This program is available on a trial basis through January 2015.

Thank you to Compass General Construction, Andersen Construction and the City’s Access Seattle Team, for their collaboration and support.

13 Replies to "More free parking in The Junction: New program starts with Wallflower, Elliott Bay, Talarico's"

  • sam-c September 22, 2014 (12:13 pm)

    wow. So nice of them! I didn’t realize the businesses was hurting due to the construction? At least every time I walk by EBB there are a lot of people waiting for a table.

  • Mark h September 22, 2014 (1:53 pm)

    Subsidized is more accurate than free.

    • WSB September 22, 2014 (1:55 pm)

      Know what you are saying, but the term “free parking” is understood to mean “free to users.” Yes, of course, somebody pays somewhere, as with the merchants paying to subsidize the existing lots, and the contractors contributing with this new initiative. – TR

  • car driver September 22, 2014 (5:14 pm)

    But that’s over a block away! I, as a car driver, refuse to walk such distances.

  • dhg September 22, 2014 (6:41 pm)

    Yeah, no. Reminds me of the “free parking” offered below Bartell’s for the Admiral Twin. The one time I used it, it involved queuing up in a long slow line of cars as each person leaving had to hit the button and explain that they were at the movies. Exit, next car. The guy answering the intercom acted as though each car would have a different story. It took way too long. I’ve never been back to that lot.

  • bicycle rider September 22, 2014 (8:13 pm)

    Hey car driver, yes it’s a whole block away. I hear you. Hey you could always become an awesome bicycle rider and park right outside everytime! Incredible, eh?

  • Kim September 23, 2014 (7:14 am)

    Thanks to the local businesses and all involved for coming up with a creative solution while parking is extra tight!

  • D DelRio September 23, 2014 (8:06 am)

    You couldn’t pay me all the money in the world do ride a bike in this city but for those who live near a bus line, taking one to the Junction is not bad at all.

  • East Coast Cynic September 23, 2014 (1:07 pm)

    No Jak’s Grill?:(.

    • WSB September 23, 2014 (1:33 pm)

      They’re in the block to the north, which doesn’t have anything under construction – the 4700 block is the block between Alaska and Edmunds.

  • Donovan September 23, 2014 (5:31 pm)

    I’d like to know if those businesses will then have customer access from what’s left of the alley.
    One evening we parked on the street on 42nd and walked thru the passageway north of the apartments to the alley. When we got to Talarico’s back door, I believe it said Employees Only and there were employees out there on a smoke break. We went back to our car and went somewhere with parking. We were able to enter Elliot Bay from the back, but left via the front door, as the alley was a bit dicey. We are still not very likely to visit businesses at the junction.

  • Kara September 23, 2014 (6:40 pm)

    Friends and family from all over have visited me and never had a problem finding parking within a block radius of wherever we go in West Seattle. It’s one of the awesome things about our hood. Also, another helpful tip. The QFC parking lot off of 41st is two hour parking. Always find a spot there to do local shopping.

  • Louisa September 27, 2014 (11:32 am)

    Too little too late.

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