day : 25/08/2014 8 results

Two road-work updates for Tuesday: Highway 99, AH microsurfacing

August 25, 2014 10:38 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle traffic alerts

Two notes before the night’s out:

That time lapse from WSDOT shows the work that’s been done on Highway 99 north of the Battery Street Tunnel – the section that’s scheduled to be closed one more day, until early Wednesday, as a bridge is rebuilt. With the Alaskan Way Viaduct back in action as of this (Monday) morning, the commute was OK by most accounts, but it’s also widely acknowledged that it was also an off-day for many trying to get vacation time in before Labor Day, so just in case everybody’s back tomorrow, don’t get complacent – check our morning traffic watch. (And thanks again to those who shared notes about how it went – and to the WSB’er who noticed when the SDOT cameras got “stuck”!)

ALSO ON TUESDAY: It’ll be the final day of “microsurfacing” in Arbor Heights and the revised map was causing some concern, explains Joe Szilagyi of the Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Council. He pursued answers with SDOT and discovered:

*The intersection of 100th and 33rd was surfaced today (contrary to the map), so the Tuesday work will NOT “trap” residents along several blocks – they will be able to get to 102nd via 33rd

*SDOT still expects to finish tomorrow, per SDOT, “including the area that was added on California/Fletcher and a segment on 112th that is getting a special test formulation.”

You can help! Straight Blast Gym collecting school supplies for New Beginnings

Above are Jei and Sonia, co-proprietors of Straight Blast Gym of Seattle (WSB sponsor). Jei turned blue for this recent photo in honor of a promise he made when the SBG crowdfunding campaign hit a milestone; that campaign is now 86 percent of the way to its goal. But that’s not why we’re mentioning them tonight. SBG is inviting you to help them help a nonprofit with a last-minute school-supplies drive:

New Beginnings-Ending Domestic Violence is a fantastic organization that has asked us to run a school-supplies drive. They provide “services to those whose lives have been affected by domestic violence – physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. Some who use our services are in physical danger. Others are living with controlling partners in relationships that are emotionally abusive. Explore our site to learn how to get help, how to get involved, how to donate and how to learn more about domestic violence in our community.”

I know this is semi-last minute; we have until the end of August to collect items. We’ll be taking donations in the front room next to the couch. If you’re shopping for your child, or at Target, grab something… every little bit counts.

– Backpacks (Ninja Turtles, Princesses, Sports, Solid Colors, etc.

School supplies:
– Scientific Calculators,USB Drives, Protractors
– Highlighters, rulers, pencil sleeves
– Coloring pencils
– Markers
– Glue sticks and Elmers glue
– 3-ring Binders, zip-up 3-ring Binders
– Mechanical pencils (with extra lead)
– Refillable water bottles
– Folders with cool Designs

Back to School clothes
– Boys boxers/boxer briefs (S, M, L, XL),
– Men’s boxers/boxer briefs (S, M)
– Girls leggings (S, M, L, XL)
– Sweatshirts in youth sizes

Gift certificates for new school outfits:
– Target, H&M, Forever 21, Pac-sun

Whatever you can donate, drop it off at SBG, which is at 5050 Delridge Way SW (map).

West Seattle back-to-school: Pathfinder barbecue Thursday

Another back-to-school event announcement to share:

The Pathfinder Back-to-School BBQ is August 28 from 5-7 pm. The PTSA invites the Pathfinder K-8 school community and Pigeon Point neighbors to celebrate the new playground paint and kick-off our 2014-2015 school year. Food and drink provided. Details about this and other events can be found at our new PTSA website.

P.S. Thanks to ALL the parents, PTA leaders, volunteers, staffers (and sometimes students) who share announcements/news here so we can help get the word out too – here’s how

West Seattle Crime Watch: Victim chases robber, gets purse back

A purse-snatching victim got her purse back after chasing the man who tried to steal it at the bus stop by Roxhill Park. According to the Seattle Police report about the incident, categorized as a “strong-arm robbery,” it happened early Sunday morning, around 12:30 am. A Metro Route 21 bus driver saw it happen and called police on behalf of the victim, who said the would-be robber came up behind her as she was boarding the bus. He pulled her purse off her shoulder; she ran after him as he fled onto a trail into the park. According to the report, “the man didn’t run far before he threw the purse onto the ground and kept running southbound.” The victim got everything back, though her purse was ripped in the process, and her arm was scratched when the robber pulled it off her shoulder. Officers couldn’t find the robber, described by the victim as 18 or 19 years old, Filipino, “long black hair in the back,” 5-8, thin build, wearing a black vest, white T-shirt, and khaki pants.

West Seattle traffic alert: Harbor Island protest this afternoon

(Photo added: Courtesy of Maris, who was bicycling through the area)
2:17 PM: Thanks to Leeann for the tip – low-bridge commuters and others driving in the Harbor Island vicinity might need this heads-up: Protesters say they’ll be staging at the Spokane Street Fishing Pier, east of the low bridge, at 4 pm today. They are protesting an arriving ship operated by an Israel-based company, the Zim Chicago (which is off Manchester as of this writing, per, in opposition to Israel’s actions in the Gaza conflict. A similar protest is reported to have drawn more than 100 participants Saturday in Tacoma. The Port of Seattle’s schedule says Zim Chicago is coming in at Terminal 18.

6:03 PM: Yes, that’s why there’s a TV helicopter over the north end of West Seattle.

ADDED: One protester was arrested, per multiple reports (including the protest group itself).

Followup: West Seattle Senior Center hires ousted director as consultant, ‘evaluates relationship’ with Senior Services

Karen Sisson is back at the Senior Center of West Seattle – as a consultant.

As first reported here July 14, after 25 years as center director, Sisson was fired by Senior Services, the citywide nonprofit that provides staffing to centers including West Seattle, after sending an e-mail that expressed concern over possible operational changes SS was reported to be considering. SS would not comment on the reason for Sisson’s ouster, but multiple sources attributed it to the e-mail.

Now, the Senior Center’s board – which operates independently of Senior Services and its board – has hired Sisson as a consultant, and is demanding that SS reinstate her as center director. From board president David Robertson:

The Senior Center of West Seattle unanimously adopted a resolution endorsing Karen Sisson as Center Director and expressing its lack of confidence in Paula Houston, the Agency Director of Senior Services. A copy of the resolution is attached:

The Senior Center of West Seattle has hired Karen Sisson as a consultant to assist the Board in dealing with financial matters of the Senior Center of West Seattle as the Senior Center evaluates its relationship with Senior Services.

Unlike most of the Seattle senior centers that are staffed through Senior Services, the West Seattle center owns its own building. In addition to the board resolution, Sisson’s firing also has sparked a community outcry, including a petition drive, and an earlier board “vote of confidence” in her work. Sisson herself hasn’t commented directly on her firing but told WSB she appreciates the messages of support.

West Seattle Monday: Youngstown mural doc premiere, & more

August 25, 2014 9:13 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Seen at Alki Sunday morning. Photo by WSB’s Patrick Sand)
Last full week of summer vacation for most local schools tends to be a quiet week all around. But a few things are on the schedule, including:

CITY AQUATICS: This is the last full week of 2014 operations for Colman Pool, Lincoln Park wading pool, and Highland Park Spraypark, all of which close after Labor Day (Sept. 1st); also, today’s the last day for Southwest Pool until its weeklong closure. (Each facility’s name in that sentence is linked to a page with its schedule info.)

GAMING AND ‘HOUR OF CODE’: 3 pm at High Point Branch Library, details in our calendar listing, as the last full week of summer vacation begins. (35th/Raymond)

YOUNGSTOWN MURAL – THE MOVIE! The weeks of work that went into the new mural outside Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (here’s our report on the August 14th unveiling) were documented by the Rec-Tech crew, and their completed documentary will premiere there tonight, 6 pm, all welcome. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

KARAOKE AND TRIVIA … multiple venues, on the calendar. (Yours missing? Please e-mail us the info!)

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Monday updates; part of Highway 99 reopens

(8:41 AM NOTE: SDOT cams have been stuck for an hour-plus. So we have added WSDOT Highway 99 cams below)

(WS bridge and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Just so we’re all clear – While Highway 99 has reopened between the West Seattle Bridge and the south end of the Battery Street Tunnel, it’s still closed for two more days from the tunnel north to Valley Street, while WSDOT rebuilds a bridge. So anyone still on The Viaduct this morning northbound past Seneca will have to exit at Western, and that’s likely to mean slow going. See the map in last night’s reminder. If you need to doublecheck your Metro route, go here.

ONE OTHER ROAD WORK NOTE: Here’s the updated map for Arbor Heights/south Fauntleroy microsurfacing, as it continues through tomorrow.

8:18 AM: No problems reported so far, on 99 or elsewhere – see the comments for some commute stories. Of course, this is a big week for vacation-taking, since schools reopen next week, but still, it’s good news.

8:41 AM: Commenter just noticed SDOT cams have been stuck at 7:21 am for a while. Here’s a WSDOT cam, which is NOT stuck:

And another one: