West Seattle, Washington
14 Friday
The photo’s from Don Brubeck, president of West Seattle Bike Connections, which mustered more than half a dozen volunteers this weekend to “widen” the bike trail this along Spokane St. east of Avalon/Harbor by cutting back blackberry tangles and other weeds. If you commute by bike, you’ll see their work tomorrow.
Old clothing/towels/other textile items you don’t want/need? Bag them up and get ready to drop them off outside Denny International Middle School next Friday. From the Denny PTSA:
Denny IMS will host its first clothing drive as a fundraiser next Friday, June 13th, with drop off for tied garbage bags of dry items at the main entrance of the school, from 7 am to 4 pm. We are accepting sheets, towels, rags, shoes, purses, throw rugs and any clothing. We will be paid by the pound, so please do your spring cleaning and bring the goods to Denny! Thank you for your support!
This doorhanger lists more of what they’ll take (and won’t). Denny is at 2601 SW Kenyon.
Long report, but not because of a sudden crime wave – the reports have come in over the past several days. We start with information on crime prevention; the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network has published notes from the auto-theft discussion, featuring a guest from SPD, at its most recent meeting. You might be surprised to see how the Southwest Precinct’s auto-theft trends compare to other parts of the city, for example. It’s all on the WSBWCN site here.
That brings us to an attempted car theft reported by Nathaniel on Saturday:
Just wanted to let you know of an attempted auto theft of a 1994 Honda Accord from the 8500 block of 37th Ave Sw. They destroyed the ignition, couldn’t get it started, then ripped out the battery. Thankfully they left the beer in the backseat so it isn’t all bad!
Next – a stolen bicycle to watch for. John says it was stolen from his front porch on May 29th:
It’s a black Townie Electra with a leather “tank” bag. Contact police if you see it.
Two car break-ins to report. Dawn says hers was broken into Friday night in the 6700 block of 41st, “nothing major stolen” but she “wanted neighbors to keep an eye out and make sure doors are locked and alarms are on.” We also had a break-in report from earlier in the week in a Westwood carport:
I have an older Honda Civic and they popped my window out of the track and unlocked my doors to get in. I didn’t have anything valuable in my car. As far as I can tell nothing is missing… (but) They managed to drop their lighter in my backseat though so they must’ve really tried looking for something.
Missing a safe?
Might even be the one reported stolen recently in the 29th/Trenton vicinity, reports Kezia, who read about that burglary and wondered if the safe found at 26th/Trenton was the same one. It was reported to police and eventually disappeared, though the finder isn’t sure if it was taken away by officers or someone else.
And from Matthew, who wondered if this happened to anyone else this weekend:
(Friday night) at about 10:55 pm whilst watching a movie, my fiancé & I heard two strange thuds and turned our movie on mute to run outside & see what caused the noise. It appears someone egged our home (3 eggs total, from what I can tell). We live at the 3200 block of Walnut Ave SW, just a block from WS High School.
The sun’s appearance in time for this afternoon’s 10th-anniversary celebration at the High Point Branch Library is appropriate, since it graced the Miller Hayashi Architects-designed library’s dedication in June 2004 too, according to the Seattle Times (WSB partner) archives. On that day, this became the third location in 62 years to hold High Point’s public library.
Even if you aren’t interested in borrowing library materials, you can check out the branch for events such as story times (our top photo, in fact, shows a story time of sorts – when we stopped by a few minutes ago, library staff and patrons were sharing memories); they’re usually on the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar as well as the library’s online calendar of events. This afternoon’s celebration, meantime, continues at the branch (35th/Raymond) until 3:30 pm. (And when you visit, don’t miss the art!)
As previewed here earlier in the week, two food debuts in West Seattle this weekend:
Not even open yet and already a line for @tatstruck soft opening at Hans in West Seattle! @westseattleblog pic.twitter.com/1AoehbUITU
— SeattleFoodTruck.com (@seattlefoodtrk) June 8, 2014
The truck spinoff from Tat’s Deli in Pioneer Square is scheduled to be open until 2 pm at 35th/Graham – that’s after a momentary scare, when the generator acted up right at 11 am, per a subsequent tweet from SeattleFoodTruck.com – which subsequently tweeted (and thanks also to the person who texted us) that it was fixed and all’s well now. For today, the truck’s in the Hans VW spot where other food trucks have held court over the years (including Marination’s “Big Blue” long before it opened Ma kai [WSB sponsor] at Seacrest). (Added a few minutes later – someone just texted to say the line’s about 20 people long, and the operators came out to say thanks to those who’d shown up.)
And at 9061 Delridge Way … Burger Boss opened Saturday afternoon as announced:
We stopped by about an hour after its opening; their walkup windows were busy. And thanks to Christina for sending images of the menu – here and here. We’ll be adding BB to the WSB West Seattle Restaurant Guide within a day or two (you are welcome to add mini-review-type comments to the ~100 entries there any time).
(Harbor seal photographed this week by Mark Wangerin)
It’s a quiet almost-summer Sunday around the peninsula, with half a dozen highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
FARMERS’ MARKET: The West Seattle Farmers Market is open today and every Sunday with locally grown produce and flowers, locally raised meat, and more, 10 am-2 pm.
WEST SEATTLE TOOL LIBRARY: Need something for a project? For yard work? The trailblazing Tool Library is open 11 am-4 pm on Sundays (and Saturdays, and 5-8 pm Tuesdays/Thursdays) on the northeast side of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY, HIGH POINT LIBRARY! It’s been a decade since the current High Point Branch Library opened. You’re invited to the anniversary celebration, 1-3:30 pm; info in our calendar listing. (35th/Raymond)
MUSIC AND COFFEE: At C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 3-5 pm, you’ll be serenaded by Jonny Woods, “in the style of of Jason Mraz meets Jack Johnson, acoustic pop.” (5612 California SW)
‘SABBATH IN THE SUBURBS’: In this hectic world, can you find time for downtime? Author Rev. MaryAnn McKibben-Dana has written about it and invites you, whatever your faith, to her free talk at The Hall at Fauntleroy, 4 pm. RSVP by calling Peace Lutheran Church at 206-935-1962. (9131 California SW)
FREE CONCERT: The Fauntleroy Church Choir‘s spring concert, under the direction of Bronwyn Edwards, is at 5 pm, with a reception afterward. (9140 California SW)
West Seattle advocate/activist/photographer/etc. “Diver Laura” James – who often shares amazing undersea views with us here – is now also Emmy Award-winning “Diver Laura”! Saturday night, when the Northwest regional Emmy Awards were presented, she won for her photography in a collaborative report about sea otters and climate change, produced for a consortium including KCTS 9 – the report was honored as best “health/science feature/segment.” (We had mentioned the nomination back in April.) Thanks to Laura for sharing photos, including her REAL reaction, compared to the onstage decorum:
Here’s the full list of winners.