(South Seattle College Arboretum, photographed by Flickr member “old desolate,” shared via WSB group)
Lots of fun options for you and Mom or whomever else you’re hanging out with on this sunny-so-far Sunday! From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
MOTHER’S DAY AT THE FARMERS’ MARKET: The West Seattle Farmers’ Market is open 10 am-2 pm as always, and you’ll find some special happenings for Mother’s Day, including free chard starts at the Langley Fine Gardens booth, according to market management. (44th/Alaska)
FREE LATTE FOR MOM: While you’re in The Junction, bring Mom to Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) for a free short almond-and-rose latté. (4410 California SW)
GLASSBLOWING: Bring Mom to Avalon Glassworks to watch glassblowing, free, in the studio adjacent to their retail space, 11 am-5 pm.
WALKER ROCK GARDEN OPEN: As published here on Saturday, as soon as we got word of it, this West Seattle treasure, which hasn’t announced an open-to-the-public day in a few years, welcomes you noon-3 pm today – an “open” day at the garden used to be a Mother’s Day tradition. (5407 37th SW)
PAINT WITH MOM: Check with Mind Unwind in The Admiral District to see if there’s still room in this 1 pm event. (2206 California SW)
WORMS! … which are so good for your garden, as Seattle Tilth Master Gardeners will show you in this 1:30 pm event at Southwest Branch Library. (35th/Henderson)
LIVE MUSIC WITH YOUR COFFEE: Ginny Reilly on acoustic guitar, live at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) 3-5 pm. (5612 California SW)
LADIES’ MUSICAL CLUB: 3 pm, free concert featuring music of German, Czech, Austrian composers, West Seattle (Admiral) Branch Library. (2306 42nd SW)
‘HAIR’ MATINEE: The Age of Aquarius is back with the classic musical onstage at ArtsWest (WSB sponsor), 3 pm. Ticket and show info here. (4711 California SW)
BINGO! What mom doesn’t love bingo? (Well, OK, there are probably a few.) A special Mother’s Day edition of the Booze, Balls, Bingo drag-bingo fundraiser is happening at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) at 5:30 pm. (6451 California SW)