Three cases in West Seattle Crime Watch – one spotted on the police-report map, two from reader reports – all three ahead:
PURSE-SNATCHING: Just noticed this one in a report attached to a marker on the police-report map. A woman walking in the 1600 block of Alki SW (map) just after 10:30 last Saturday night almost lost her purse to a would-be thief who tried to grab it off her shoulder while walking past her. The strap broke but she held onto the purse, she told police; the would-be thief, who was accompanied by a boy of about 14, took off running.
YARD LEWDNESS: A resident in the 7100 block of 34th SW (map) texted to report finding a man “hiding” in their backyard, fondling himself, around 3 pm Monday. “I yelled at him a few times and he did not stop,” the resident reported. The man was described as light-skinned, “Caucasian or maybe Hispanic” with dark-brown hair pushing out of the sides of his hat, wearing shorts, a T-shirt, and running shoes. The resident is concerned because their home is just half a block from Our Lady of Guadalupe and about two blocks from West Seattle Elementary.
STOLEN BICYCLE: Have you seen Lisa‘s bicycle?

It was stolen from her condo building in the Alki Point area last weekend. Let police know if you’ve seen it – report #2014-147490.
NEIGHBORHOOD CRIME CONCERN? Bring it to the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council‘s next meeting, 7 pm Tuesday, May 20th, at the Southwest Precinct (Webster west of Delridge).