(WS Bridge and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Happy Friday! Aside from the breezy weather, nothing much of note so far during the commute. Weekend notes:
CITYWIDE TRAFFIC ALERTS: Here’s the weekly SDOT roundup of what’s happening around the city that might affect traffic. This also now includes construction notes (the weekend-long closure of westbound 520 is among them).
WEST SEATTLE COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE DAY: Neighborhoods around West Seattle will be bustling 9 am-3 pm tomorrow with more than 280 sales of all sizes (as mapped here) in the 10th annual WSCGSD (coordinated by WSB).
And a bit of transportation news in case you missed it here Thursday:
LIGHT RAIL FOR WEST SEATTLE? See what Sound Transit is looking at in its study of the south “corridor” that could include West Seattle, White Center, and points south.
7:28 AM: Thanks to Mike for this note – if you drive SW Charlestown west of California SW, a car is partly blocking the road near 51st SW.

He says a note on it says a tow truck is on the way – but in the meantime, you have to go into the oncoming lane to get around it, precarious to say the least.
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