3 days until West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day! Printable list/map now available, too

A quick West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day update, with a longer one in the works for this afternoon: This Saturday (May 10th) is THE day, 9 am-3 pm, with 280+ participating sales of all sizes, all over West Seattle, from Alki SW in the north to SW 110th in the south, Arbor Heights in the southwest to Pigeon Point in the northeast, the Log House Museum in the northwest to South Delridge in the southeast, and so many neighborhoods inbetween. The online map – each sale numbered and marked, clickable so you can read its “listing” – has been viewable/browsable here since last weekend; now, the printable edition is available too, a 17-page PDF (including nine pages with all 280+ sale listings in classified-ad style). Get it here (it’s also linked in the text above the online map). This is the 10th annual WSCGSD; we’re honored to have coordinated and presented it since the 4th edition in 2008, and your participation keeps making it better every year – this year with lots of giving opportunities, not just for sellers interested in donating leftovers, but also for shoppers who want to help out by purchasing and donating items on wish lists like this one and this one. More later!

P.S. Even if you’re not participating in WSCGSD, please remember that Saturday is also the Stamp Out Hunger food drive, also always on the second Saturday in May – please leave a bag of nonperishable food by your mailbox/mail slot for your letter carrier to pick up!

4 Replies to "3 days until West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day! Printable list/map now available, too"

  • Luckie May 7, 2014 (12:48 pm)

    WSB, the ease of use, level of detail, and sheer volume of info you have put into this guide is incredible. Amazing work. Thank you so much. Brava and bravo!

    • WSB May 7, 2014 (1:49 pm)

      Thanks for the kind words. Now for the remaining few days, we continue publicizing and promoting it, and hoping for dry weather!

  • mommla May 8, 2014 (1:20 pm)

    hi! what happens if it rains all day long this Saturday? does the community garage sale get pushed out & promoted to next day (Sunday) or to the following weekend? *crossing fingers for dry weather!*

    • WSB May 8, 2014 (1:23 pm)

      It has always been a rain-or-shine event, though obviously it’s individual sellers’ choice whether to cancel day-of if they don’t have a garage or covered area. Rain dates are pretty useless because there’s no guarantee that choosing a rain date wouldn’t lead to another rainy day, no matter how far into the summer you pushed it (reference the Morgan Festival washout in late June a few years ago, and occasional July/August WS Outdoor Movies rainouts over the years). We have not had a drop of rain since an 8 am shower in 2008, so we are hoping for the usual luck.

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