Brand-new fun(draiser), ready to launch – Karaoke Night to benefit the multi-age, multi-skill-level West Seattle Community Orchestras, 7 pm Friday, May 2nd, at historic Kenyon Hall. WSCO says they’re fundraising for a very specific purpose:
As the demand for music programs increases, WSCO continues to provide musicians in the community an artistic outlet. In recent years, their three orchestra groups have almost reached room capacity and many incoming musicians are placed on a waiting list.
Now in WSCO’s 12th season, the Board of Directors have proposed to launch two new music programs that will enable them to accommodate the increasing growth and continue to provide community musicians opportunities for mentorship, performance, and growth. The proposed new groups include a Wind Symphony and an Introduction to Music Class. This fund-raising event will help with startup costs for these new groups.
Join WSCO and DJ “J” for a fun and casual party time! Sing along with the karaoke machine, bring your instrument and music for our on-site piano accompanist, or sing with the piano accompanist.
Tickets at the door: Adults $20, Students (K-12th Grade) $10
Evening will include 50/50 Raffle, Appetizers, Beverages, Cash Bar, and “Cello Shots.” Awards for the Top 5 Performances of the evening.
For event information, please contact Maria Fisher, maria@WSCOrchestras.org
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