It’s on – rain or shine as usual! Dozens and dozens of types of items – see the list here – are being accepted, for free, at the twice-yearly drop-off Fauntleroy Church Recycle Roundup, with 1 Green Planet on site, filling trucks with the types of recyclables you just can’t put out on your curb, until 3 pm today. Drive/ride/walk up, drop off, move on. (If there’s a line when you get there, please be patient, urges this commenter.) And one more time, since this is a change from past Recycle Roundups, we’ll remind you that they’re not taking TVs – but they ARE taking more than 65 other types of items. The church is at 9140 California SW, but you can’t get there by just driving south from the California straightaway – here’s a map; heading eastbound, it’s uphill from the ferry dock, or westbound, just take Barton, which curves to (briefly) become California SW by Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (which is across the street from the church).