Three development updates:

6900 BLOCK OF CALIFORNIA DEMOLITION: Three days ago, city published its land-use-permit-approval decision for the 30-apartments, no-parking project at 6917 California SW in south Morgan Junction. But the two houses torn down today (so far) are not for that site, but rather mostly (due to a lot-boundary adjustment) for the 4 townhouses and two single-family homes shown in city files as planned immediately north.
On to The Junction:

4439 41ST SW COMMENT EXTENSION: The Hope Lutheran Church/School community has been voicing concern about the 40-apartments, 5-parking-spaces proposal on the site above, which is across the alley from their campus, and the latest community update notes that the city has granted a two-week extension in the official comment period. (That’s always an option if requested before the original comment period on any proposal expires.) If you have something to say about the project, Bruce Rips is the assigned city planner,
CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE TOWNHOME-PROJECT UPDATE: The six townhouses proposed on the unofficial “park” site south of, and owned by, West Seattle Church of the Nazarene, now have an informational website, as announced by architect David Neiman, who says, “The website contains links to the plans and drawings that we showed at our neighborhood presentations, a project schedule, and a document outlining how the church intends to spend the proceeds from the development. We’ll be posting a draft of the proposed comp plan amendment by the end of the month, and we’ll post additional info as it develops.” The “comp(rehensive) plan amendment” refers to the zoning change required for the project to get approval; the “neighborhood presentations” include this one we video-recorded.
Looking for past WSB development coverage? It’s all archived here, newest to oldest.