Four reader reports – two burglaries and two car prowls – in our weekend West Seattle Crime Watch report. Details ahead:
From Barney:
Friday, 3/14, someone broke in thru the front door of our Arbor Heights home during the day. Police are involved. Praying for their soul. I want to get the word out so our community can be aware and take protective steps.
Barney says they’re near 98th and 37th.
Another Friday burglary reported to us came in via text, so we don’t have a name:
Our house near Westwood was broken into today. Our dogs chased them off so we didn’t have much loss. Cops have been here and said they’ve been chasing these folks all day.
On Saturday, Bri’Anna spotted a sports car with both windows broken out at 25th/Dakota:
As I was walking to my car this morning, I noticed a car parked across the street with both windows smashed. As I was calling to report it, the owner showed up. He said he was renting a home for the weekend and had come back at 3 am. Surprisingly, nothing was stolen.
And finally: Lincoln Park’s car prowl problem has yet to be solved, reports a victim who wants to be anonymous, saying that his car was broken into when he and his wife went to the park last Sunday to walk their dogs and enjoy the sun. Items taken when someone smashed in a window included his wife’s cell phone.
He says they an app to trace it and it was shown as being at 35th and Avalon, so they called 911 and were told police could or would not be sent there, and that it would take several hours even to get an officer to the park to check out their car. He eventually filed a report through the precinct the next day and says he was told at least four other similar reports have come in from the weekend (none are shown on the police-report map, but it’s been glitchy lately).
We will follow up with precinct leadership; we also suggested the victim might want to bring it up during the community-concern time at this Tuesday’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting (7 pm, Southwest Precinct); the agenda includes behind-the-scenes SPD guests talking about recruiting and background checks.