No coyote reports in the WSB inbox for a long time, and then suddenly, within minutes of each other, two came in this afternoon, from two different neighborhoods (perhaps because it’s spring and almost pupping time). First, Beth reported: “I just passed a large coyote on 42nd and Barton” (map); then, from Jeff:
Saw a coyote on 44th Ave SW mid-block between SW Rose St & SW Southern St [map] at 12:30 PM today. Ducked into the greenbelt between 44th and 45th when it saw us. Third sighting here in the past 2-3 months. Appears to be the same animal.
If you’re a new reader – WSB has long featured coyote sightings and information (archived here, newest-to-oldest) not out of alarmism, but as education. While they more often eat rodents, they do sometimes eat small pets left alone outside, and bereaved pet owners subsequently say they had no idea that could happen. Without food sources – including dog/cat food put outside – and with “hazing” if you encounter one, they can be encouraged to keep their distance, as advised/explained by the state.