(Sunshine! Seen on Sunday; Lincoln Park photo by JayDee)
Some of what’s up today/tonight (please see our calendar for even more):
AFTER-SCHOOL NATURE HIKE: Naturalist Stewart Wechsler has a new series of after-school nature hikes in Lincoln Park, starting at 3:15 pm – pre-registration requested but you can check to see if there’s last-minute room; full details in our calendar listing. (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW)
SOUTH PARK GREEN SPACE: For those who work and/or live in South Park, it’s time to speak out about a greener future – a 5-8 pm event tonight:
South Park provides a ripe and exciting opportunity for the creation and enhancement of parks, trails, and green spaces. Today, the neighborhood has fewer parks per than many other communities in the city, and public access to the Duwamish River is limited.
However, this is poised to change. Through the South Park Green Space Vision Plan, neighbors are coming together to collectively envision a different future for their shared public spaces. The South Park Green Space Vision Plan is engaging residents, businesses and workers to identify needs, opportunities and priorities for improved public spaces, such as parks, playgrounds, trails, greenways, viewpoints, dog parks and sidewalks. Based on community feedback, a vision plan for a network of connected public spaces will be developed for South Park, as well as designs for the top priority opportunities.
5-6 pm open house, 6-8 “fun and interactive design game.” Refreshments and child care. South Park Neighborhood Center. Also: Online survey, here. (8201 10th Ave. S.)
HEALTHY FOOD FOR WOMEN IN DELRIDGE: Community workshop presented by the city, 6-7:30 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center – come talk about ways to improve access to healthy food in eastern West Seattle. Dinner and child care provided. More details on the flyer you’ll see here. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
LAFAYETTE KINDERGARTEN OPEN HOUSE: Have a kindergartener going into West Seattle’s most populous elementary school next year? Kindergarten open house tonight at Lafayette Elementary, 6 pm. (California/Lander)
WEST SEATTLE BLOCK WATCH CAPTAINS’ NETWORK: 6:30 pm at the Southwest Precinct meeting room, come find out about neighborhood traffic safety – how to help improve yours – and also share information on crime (etc.) concerns. You don’t have to be a BW captain, or even in a BW (though every neighborhood should have one!), to come – all welcome. (Delridge/Webster)
FREE LEGAL HELP: Community legal clinic tonight at the Senior Center of West Seattle. By appointment – our calendar listing explains how to get one. 7 pm. (California/Oregon)
‘BLUES TO DO,’ WEEK 4: Fourth week for the new Tuesday series at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), live blues, streamed online too. Tonight it’s Rod Cook & Toast, 8 pm. Full details in our calendar listing. (6451 California SW)