It’s on! Until 1 pm, the Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestra-presented Super String Saturday celebration of music and mentoring (with WSB as a media sponsor) is happening at Chief Sealth International High School (2600 SW Thistle). It began with the SYSO’s mini-concert (and they were wonderful – hear a snippet in our Instagram video cliplet), directed by SYSO music director Stephen Rogers Radcliffe, following welcoming remarks by Denny International Middle School principal Jeff Clark, King County Councilmember Joe McDermott, and Seattle City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen.

Right now, those SYSO musicians are performing onstage side-by-side with elementary students, and then those students (and participating middle schoolers) head off into instrument-technique clinics in individual classrooms. But that’s prime time to visit even if you don’t have a student in those programs; here’s the schedule for the rest of the event:
11:50 am-12:20 pm: Information session for parents in the CSIHS auditorium – “learn how to best support your young musician”
12:25-12:45 pm: Chamber Ensemble demonstration in the auditorium
12:50-1 pm: Middle-school students onstage with SYSO musicians
The event is free; bring a few $ for refreshments on sale in the Sealth commons – which you’ll walk through on your way from the front door to the auditorium – benefiting student music programs. The SYSO is involved in local schools year-round through the Southwest Strings Project, involving Arbor Heights, Concord International, Highland Park, Roxhill, Sanislo, and West Seattle elementaries as well as Denny.
4:54 PM: More photos, as promised! First one is by our photographer, and the following three are courtesy of the SYSO.

After today’s event, Denny principal Clark told the SYSO:
On behalf of the entire Denny International Middle School community, I would like to extend a huge thank you to the Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestras for their amazing partnership! Our orchestra program has grown dramatically in recent years–the small group lessons and professional coaches provided through the Southwest Strings Project continue to be outstanding. Thank you to all of the families who joined us for Super String Saturday today and to the Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestras for making it happen!
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