year : 2013 3942 results

PHOTOS: Leaping orcas! Another West Seattle whale pass

(Click any photo for a larger view)
If you didn’t get a chance to go look for orcas when we published word this morning that they were heading this way – here’s the next best thing. (Or maybe better – we went to look and missed them anyway!) West Seattleite Trileigh Tucker, our first tipster again today, got great photos, including breaches.

They are of course beautiful simply swimming by:

That’s Blake Island and Tillicum Village in the background. And here’s a group with a Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth ferry in the background:

The ferry in the top photo is one of the bigger ones on the Seattle-Bainbridge run. This time of year, orca sightings here usually mean they’re chasing salmon runs to chow down on. For some orca facts and figures – go here. And thanks to everyone who shared sighting info this morning/afternoon, so that others had a chance to go look for them too!

10:30 PM: Mike Russell is also sharing photos – here’s a link to his Facebook gallery, for starters.

West Seattle snow? Winter Storm Watch just announced

3:38 PM: You’ve heard the rumors and hints of some snow Friday morning; now, the National Weather Service has just started beating the drum a little louder, with a Winter Storm Watch alert for Thursday night through Friday morning. You can read it here; basically, snow is considered likely for most of Friday morning, before temperatures warm and change everything to rain Friday afternoon. Of course, you know how it goes – the forecast is just a forecast and things could change; event the alert says, “There is still quite a bit of uncertainty regarding how this event will unfold.”

10:35 PM UPDATE: The uncertainty seems to be getting somewhat less uncertain. In WSB comments and on Twitter, the local expert who goes by “MetPatrick” is sharing his observations; and “chances are … very high” is what weather analyst Cliff Mass says on his site.

3:26 AM: In the 3 am forecast discussion, the National Weather Service is ratcheting down a bit.

West Seattle Christmas lights: ‘Cotton Candy Trees’ join our map

December 18, 2013 2:52 pm
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 |   West Seattle Christmas lights | West Seattle news

‘Tis the week before Christmas – prime time to enjoy lights. Duane Davis shared that photo of his display and an invitation to come enjoy it, and others nearby:

Come by 4152 46th Ave SW and see the Cotton Candy Trees, multicolored junipers, and our glowing home. A combination of incandescent and LED lights adds a bright festival feel to our neighborhood. Continue to drive up the street and see our friendly neighborhood lighting competition.

We’ve added it to the WSB West Seattle Christmas Lights Map – which you can see at that Google Maps link, or embedded on our Holiday Guide page. Photos and/or address tips still welcome – – we hope to resume scouting tonight!

See who’s leading which Seattle City Council committees next year

The more active citizens and community groups get, the more important it is to know who’s in charge of what areas of emphasis in local government. So toward that end – the Seattle City Council has announced its “likely” committee chairs for next year. First, two areas of intense local interest: West Seattle-residing Councilmember Tom Rasmussen is expected to continue chairing Transportation; Councilmember Mike O’Brien is expected to become chair of Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability, the scope of which includes development and zoning. For the full list – including some renamed committees – read on for the council’s announcement:

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West Seattle Wednesday: Comedy! Concert! Co-working! Community meeting! And…


(Robins photographed by Laura Goodrich earlier this month, shared via the WSB Flickr group)
From the WSB West Seattle Holiday Events/Info Guide and our year-round calendar:

CO-WORKING MEETUP: Even if you don’t regularly work at West Seattle’s first and only co-working space, WS Office Junction, you’re invited to be there noon-1:15 pm today for the twice-monthly co-working meetup: “These are informal meetings to share and talk about business ideas, projects, get feedback, build community and make new friends and business partners. Stay afterward to get your work done and follow up on all the information and ideas you got from the meetup.” (5230-B California SW)

HPAC SAYS THANKS, LOOKS AHEAD: On the Highland Park Action Committee‘s monthly agenda tonight, 7 pm:

We will be hosting the fire fighters from Station 11, and our Community Police officers so that we can express our gratitude for all that they do for our neighborhood. HPAC will be getting some chicken teriyaki from Highland Park’s own Wanna Burger and Teriyaki- Please join us to celebrate our awesome community and bring a little something to share. We will also be asking for your input on the direction HPAC will head in the next year, so bring your ideas – we’ll be asking you to share them in writing, so don’t worry- you won’t have to speak in front of everyone!

HPAC meets at Highland Park Improvement Club. (12th/Holden)

STUDENT CONCERT “Come celebrate the Christmas season with the student musicians of Hope School and Seattle Lutheran High School! 7:pm at Hope Church. The musical program includes holiday music performed by the choir, hand bells, chapel band and high school band.” (42nd/Oregon)

SANTA AT PEGASUS: You’re not out of Santa-photo chances yet – tonight the Jolly Ol’ Soul will be at Pegasus on Alki; photos are free with a $25 gift-card purchase, and Pegasus says it’s donating part of the proceeds to the Starlight Foundation Northwest. (2770 Alki SW)

LITTLE WOMEN AT ARTSWEST: Second-to-last week for the final 2013 production at ArtsWest (WSB sponsor), with the curtain rising at 7:30 tonight. (4711 California SW)

COMEDY AT THE FEEDBACK: West Seattle’s own Mona Concepcion is back at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) hosting a night of live comedy headlined by Kermet Apio, with Matt Ericksen, Aisha Farhoud, Eden Nault, Danielle Radford, and Jeffrey Robert, starting at 8 pm. (6451 California SW)

West Seattle Whale Watch: Orcas heading back this way

10:23 AM: Thanks to Trileigh Tucker for sending word that orcas are expected to be passing this way again – this time, northbound, reported off Maury Island less than an hour ago. Please share the news if you see them. Meantime, remember Trileigh’s awesome photo of orcas off a Fauntleroy-Vashon ferry last weekend? See the view of them FROM the ferry, via Melissa Burks‘ album on Facebook.

11:28 AM: Donna from The Whale Trail says they’re visible without binoculars from Me-Kwa-Mooks.

4:25 PM: Trileigh shared spectacular photos, and we have published them separately.

You can help! Lend a hand tomorrow @ White Center Food Bank

Want to feel a bit like Santa Claus? Help out tomorrow at the White Center Food Bank. Just in from Audrey Zemke:

The White Center Food Bank needs volunteer help Thursday, December 19 (additional time) 12:30 to 3:30 and 3:30 to 6:30 to hand out holiday food to clients. E=mail or call me to volunteer. Families welcome.

206-762-2848 or

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Wednesday updates

(More area traffic cams on the WSB Traffic page)
One week until Christmas, three days until the winter solstice, and the forecast is threatening wintry weather again – possibly Thursday night/Friday morning. So check back for the mid-morning/mid-afternoon/mid-evening forecast updates, just in case.

Looking ahead even further – Metro is out with its traditional reminder about reduced service not only around Christmas and New Year’s, but the week inbetween; here’s the announcement.

7:42 AM: Bertha points out that southbound Highway 509 is closed at 128th in Burien because of a rollover crash – so if you head that way, you’ll want to use an alternate route. Reopening is now estimated around 9, according to KING 5’s Tracy Taylor. The crash involved five vehicles, per the State Patrol, which says two people are in critical condition – a vehicle came down an embankment onto the roadway, rolled, and hit the other vehicles.

9:59 AM: 509 is open.

Madison Middle School students photographed by man in car, school tells parents

Another local middle school principal has sent an alert to parents. This time, it’s a recorded message from Dr. Robert Gary, Jr., at Madison Middle School, robocalled and e-mailed this evening, saying that three Madison students reported today that a man drove up and photographed them. We won’t be able to find out more from police or school officials until tomorrow, but we’ve received the audio file from a parent and have transcribed the information with which it begins:

“Good evening, Madison parents. This is Dr. Gary, interim principal at MMS. On December 16th at 2:30 in the afternoon, three Madison students reported that a man in a four-door older model gray car rolled down his window and took pictures of them with a red camera. This incident occurred two blocks north of Madison on Stevens Street. The person is described as a white male with gray hair, age 50 to 60. The students informed their parents when they arrived home and parents contacted the police. The Seattle Police reported the incident to Madison staff yesterday at 4 o’clock pm …”

The message continues from there with safety tips, almost word-for-word what was in the Denny/Sealth letter about the Roxhill Park incident. Dr. Gary’s audio can be heard in its entirety here (MP3). We haven’t seen a written version of it, if any was sent.

P.S. It should be noted, it is not a crime to photograph someone, of any age, who is in a public place or visible from a public place, but since the school was concerned enough to alert its families, we are sharing the information here too, and will update tomorrow with anything additional we find out from police and/or Seattle Public Schools.

West Seattle holiday giving: Donation dropoffs wrap up @ WestSide Baby

WestSide Baby is thanking everyone who’s donated this holiday season, now that pre-Christmas dropoff time is over. And it’s thanking volunteers, too! Here’s an update from WS Baby executive director Nancy Woodland:

Christmas came early to WestSide Baby when the Westside School third grade class delivered handmade blankets Monday! (photo above) These are some of the last item donations of the year as we wind up our 2013 collections tomorrow.

To celebrate a year with record distributions, we honored our regular volunteers today at the newly opened Bridge Tavern.

Just this year, this group of amazing people as well as groups and one time drop ins have given more than 9500 hours of time, with 570 hours from just one amazing woman named Lissa! They keep us rolling and we are so appreciative. Join this team in 2014!

Our last distribution to families in need will go out on Thursday through our 80 social-service-agency partners marking a record number of children served this year as 400 orders head out the door this week.

We want to make sure people know our donation center and drop sites will be closed to item dropoffs starting tomorrow. We are amazed at the community generosity and we will definitely continue to need your gently used and new items as we start filling orders again on January 2. From now until that date, we ask donors to hold onto their amazing used items as we start the counting of every sock, diaper and pacifier in our operations center. Exceptions for those who held a drive and prearranged a delivery with us, like the third-grade class from Our Lady of Guadalupe that is coming on Thursday! (After they have already delivered 4 car loads of amazing donations.)

We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate our community’s patience as well as your dedication to helping us serve local children. We will very gladly accept items you have after January 2, as we know the need for essentials will continue long past the holiday season.

In the meantime, cash gifts for your 2013 tax deductions are very much appreciated through our website or by mail to 10032 15th Ave SW, Seattle Wa 98146, and we have tables and tickets available for our 13th Annual Benefit Tea on February 9th! Click the graphic:

If you have items that can’t wait, check out the other giving opportunities in the WSB Holiday Guide.

Where will West Seattle’s marijuana businesses be? More license applications

The state’s weekly update on recreational-marijuana business-license applications is out, and more West Seattle locations are on the list.

New retailer applications: Stuart Thomas Holding, 9831 16th SW; Owens on the Green, 4220 SW Spokane; two applications at 2218 Fairmount SW, for Advanced Green and Bud’s.

New producer applications: Raspberry LLC, 7938 7th SW, seeking a Tier 3 license; Stone Age Gardens at 5044 Fauntleroy Way SW, seeking a Tier 2 license. (The tiers are explained here.)

The state’s FAQs about licenses are here. Our reports from previous weeks’ lists are here and here.

High Point murder investigation: Name, cause of death released

New information tonight in the High Point murder investigation. The King County Medical Examiner’s Office has officially identified the victim, 46-year-old Nga Thi Nguyen. The Medical Examiner’s announcement says her death was caused by “blunt force head injury and strangulation.” No new information from police on who might be responsible or what the motive is. Ms. Nguyen was found dead inside her residence on High Point Drive around noon Saturday (here’s our first report); police announced hours later that it was a homicide investigation, the first one in West Seattle since the as-yet-unsolved Beach Drive killing of Greggette Guy in March of last year.

If you have any information for police, the Homicide Tip Line is at 206-233-5000.

Update: Avalon reopens north of Genesee after medic response, gas problem

ORIGINAL REPORT< 5:02 PM: A medic response and possible gas leak have Avalon blocked north of Genesee. Buses are being rerouted.

5:10 PM: The area where an odor, possibly gas, is detectable is the same area where a possible leak caused trouble some months back – the former church on the east side of Avalon. We should know more shortly – SFD public information officers have arrived.

5:22 PM: SFD’s Lt. Sue Stangl confirmed to WSB at the scene that this incident involves suicide – the natural gas was running, to the point where it was dangerous outside the apartment where it happened. The air has to clear to a safe level before the road can reopen. Medics tried but were unable to revive the victim. (If you or someone you know considers self-harm, 206-461-3222 is the Crisis Clinic‘s 24-hour line.)

5:41 PM: The road has reopened; Metro has resumed normal routing.

‘We are fed up and we need help’: WWRHAH’s letter to Mayor-elect Murray, following Roxhill Park rape report

We talked with police again today about the Roxhill Park rape report that first emerged in a letter sent by Denny International Middle School and Chief Sealth International High School principals to their schools’ families, published here Monday afternoon. The Denny student first reported it to a school employee yesterday, saying it happened in the park around 3:30 last Thursday afternoon; police tell us the report then was given to a school-assigned police officer, and the case then was referred to the SPD Sexual Assault Unit, which hoped to have a detective speak with the victim today. With the investigation still at an early stage, no written report is available yet, we’re told. But here’s one thing in writing: The following letter just sent to Mayor-elect Ed Murray from the Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Council, making sure he understands the park’s crime crisis and asking what

As chronicled here previously, West Seattle’s newest community council already had been focused on the park and its challenges – and this just stepped it up further. We’ll let you know what response they receive, and will continue to follow up the investigation as well.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Frosty the Snowman stolen; 6 other cases

Wide-ranging West Seattle Crime Watch reader-report roundup today:


Two Dental offices were broken into last night, sometime after 9:00. Dr. Sorensen’s and Dr. Joon Kae’s office (Kae Dental). The offices are located in the Dakota building at 4116 California Ave Sw. The thieves gained access through the parking garage in the back of the offices. Dental instruments, intra oral camera, cash, stamps, keys, and sonicares to name a few items. I just wanted to let you know and to see if potentially anyone saw anything.


I had my Jeep broken into last night and the thieves took off with about 50 small wrapped boxes (silver wrapping) with my client thank you gifts. They were just coffee travel mugs with my logo on them…so no value to the thief, but I would still like to give them away if I could recover them. Wonder if there is a way to put out there for someone to contact me if they find them in a trash dumpster…which is what I would guess they would be put since they have no value to the thief.

Rob’s business is West Seattle Mortgage, so look for that logo and let him or police know if you have spotted any of these items.


My 12 year old brother had his new mountain bike stolen from our secure fenced back yard on Alki Avenue. The Bike was a “Specialized” Mountain Bike; grey with black handlebars and seat, and silver shocks. My brother and parents noticed it was missing (Sunday). This is really upsetting to all of us because this bike was bought by my brother a few months ago after saving all his lawn mowing and lemonade stand money for the entire summer. This bike was a replacement bike for another bike that was also stolen from our yard last year. My younger brother doesn’t understand why anyone would steal from our back yard feel that they can get away with it. If anyone has anyone information about this bike please let us know through email at This is the holiday time and my younger brother would have the best Christmas if his bike was returned.

Ahead – four more cases, two with video, including thieves making off with Frosty the Snowman, and mail prowlers caught on camera:

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Construction trailers at Lowman Beach soon for Murray CSO project

(From county presentation at pre-construction meeting covered here last month)
Though the Murray Combined Sewer Overflow Project – a million-gallon storage tank and its support facilities – is being built across Beach Drive from Lowman Beach Park, construction will affect the park, too, as reminded in this notice sent today:

Later this week, King County’s contractor for the Murray Combined Sewer Overflow project will begin on-site preparation for facility construction. In the next few days, the contractor will install security fencing around the Murray Pump Station in Lowman Beach Park, and two trailers will be installed in the park’s northeast corner. The trailers will serve as the contractor’s office for the duration of the project.

Access to Lowman Beach Park facilities and beachfront will be maintained. Park users are encouraged to access the park through the 15-foot wide pathway north of the contractor project office. This pathway will remain open throughout construction. Parking on the west side of Beach Drive Southwest will be maintained once the trailers are installed.

King County has a project hotline for questions/concerns: 206-205-9186.

Know before you go: State ferries’ new ‘terminal space’ info

December 17, 2013 2:11 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | Transportation | West Seattle news

Fauntleroy is one of the Washington State Ferries terminals included in a new feature WSF is testing, showing how many spaces remain in vehicle-holding areas on docks, in hopes that will help people gauge wait time before they arrive. It’s been added to the Vessel Watch page for each terminal, pages where you also will find multiple cameras. Here’s the main page; here’s the Fauntleroy page; here’s the Southworth page. (The Vashon page doesn’t have parking-space information since vehicle fares are not collected there.) WSF emphasizes it’s testing this feature; look for the “Feedback” link on those pages to let them know what you think.

Update: Fire response at Alaska House in The Junction; turns out to be ‘food on stove’

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
1:03 PM: Big Seattle Fire response on the way to check out a possible fire incident at the Alaska House apartments, 4545 42nd SW, just north of Junction Plaza Park.

(Added: Photo that Charles took as the initial response continued to arrive)
1:08 PM: The response is being scaled back, escept for four units – likely “food on the stove.”

1:17 PM: SFD confirms that. Christopher Boffoli, on scene for WSB, was told by a resident that a maintenance worker saw smoke coming from a unit and called SFD. Thank you to everyone who messaged us on this – including two WSB’ers who saw the specialized SFD units crossing the West Seattle Bridge and knew that was a sure sign of a potentially major call.

‘Thanks, West Seattle, for your continued sense of community’

While this is the type of note that most often lands in the WSB Forums as a “Rave,” it turned up in the WSB e-mailbox instead, and we’re up for some heartening news – so, here’s what Molly reported:

We just wanted to pass along a little holiday cheer that we just encountered in West Seattle (Sunday). We accidentally left a package near Talarico’s, where a good Samaritan found it and drove it to our house in the event that we’d accidentally left behind a holiday present. While the package was empty (the contents were at N.W. Art and Frame), it had contained a print of a painting we’d seen on our honeymoon this summer. My husband, who is a little cynical about the holiday season, was struck by this woman’s kindness and thoughtfulness in driving the package all the way to our house, had it contained a gift. Thanks, West Seattle, for your continued sense of community that truly embodies the spirit of the holidays!

5 notes for the rest of your West Seattle (and beyond) Tuesday

Since we might not see the sun before today is over, we’re sharing the Monday night photo sent by Chris Frankovich (thank you!). Even when visible, of course, the sunsets are so early this time of year – but have heart, the winter solstice is on Saturday. (Speaking of which, we have added solstice events to the WSB Holiday Guide.) A few things ahead today, before we get too much further:

COTTAGE GROVE COMMONS OPENING CEREMONY & TOURS: The 66-apartment DESC “supportive housing” facility Cottage Grove Commons starts move-ins tomorrow. Today, it’s hosting a 2:30 pm opening celebration and 4:30-7 pm neighborhood open house/tours; details here; our coverage of this past Sunday’s volunteer “Apartment Adoption Day” is here. (5444 Delridge Way SW)

VOLUNTEER NIGHT AT WESTSIDE BABY: 6-9 pm, lend a hand! Details here.

COMMUNITY CONCERT: At 7 pm, small woodwind and brass ensembles, members and friends of the West Seattle Community Orchestras, will be performing Christmas favorites, Scott Joplin and a recently composed “Woodwind Sextet no. 1” by Mark Hedien at the Bridge Park Retirement Living Center. The public is invited. The music will include a unique flute, bells, and piano combination, as well as a trombone quartet, woodwind sextet, clarinet quartet, and brass quintet. (3204 SW Morgan)

FINAL ‘TRIVIA THAT ROCKS’: Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) is changing its Tuesday programming after tonight’s final edition of “Trivia That Rocks,” which starts at 8 pm. No worries, trivia fans, proprietor Jeff Gilbert says it’ll be back with some changes in February (more later on what’s ahead for Tuesdays). So don’t miss this edition. (6451 California SW)

One more note: Not in West Seattle, but we’re told more than a few West Seattle teens are involved:

‘ANYTHING GOES’! Forwarded by West Seattleite and Center School parent Steve, who says the WS kids in the production would particularly love to see audience members cross the bridge to come support their production:

The Center School – a Seattle Public High School located at the Seattle Center – is hosting their annual play right now at the Center Theater, which is located on the first floor of the Seattle Center Armory (aka The Center House). This year they are doing something completely different and daring for a High School…a musical! Come see their totally inspired interpretation of a timeless classic “Anything Goes”. No fixed ticket price; a suggested donation of $10 is all they ask. Their first show was last night (Monday) but they have two shows left, both starting at 7:30pm. You’ll thoroughly enjoy a lighthearted yet demanding production showcased in a wonderful and intimate venue.”

West Seattle development: Date for 3210 California’s next review

December 17, 2013 10:59 am
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 |   Development | West Seattle news

In addition to the five projects tentatively scheduled for Southwest Design Review Board meetings early in the new year (reported here last week), add one more: The fourth review for 3210 California SW – currently planned as a five-story, 149-unit, 168-parking-space mixed-use building – is on the lineup for 8 pm Thursday, February 6th, at the Senior Center of West Seattle (California/Oregon). Here’s our report on its most-recent review and an ongoing petition drive seeking a non-design-related public meeting.

Live/work in The Junction/Triangle? JuNO launches holiday contest, ‘waste less’ campaign

The relaunched Junction Neighborhood Organization – JuNO – wants to encourage people to waste less and recycle more – with a fun holiday contest as part of the campaign. From René Commons:

JuNO is participating in the Waste Management Challenge which runs from October through March 2013.

There are two ways to win the challenge. One way is for the community that reduces the most garbage (residential); WM monitors volume. The other way is for community to complete monthly recycling outreach challenges.

Flashmobs, YouTube videos, posters, flyers and meetings … you get the idea. So JuNO members have been active this December, distributing flyers and talking about the challenge to neighbors at the Farmers Market about the Think Green Reuse & Recycling Challenge.

In conjunction with the outreach at the Farmers Market, JuNO is having a contest for neighbors to let their Recycling Creativity Shine!

We are asking for people to create gift wrap, ornaments, and of course best reindeer antlers (pets included)

Juno will have a booth at the WS Solstice Farmers Market on December 22nd. Neighbors can bring their entries and we will select the winners at 1:30.

We hope to win $2,000 by winning the December Challenge, which will help us to kick start the organization and get the word out about JuNO and that there is a neighborhood organization here in the Junction they can join.

Look for a related music video later this week. And if you have a question – e-mail

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Tuesday updates; closure tonight

(More area traffic cams on the WSB Traffic page)
7:30 AM: No major problems reported on the routes out of West Seattle so far this morning. Another reminder: This week’s overnight lane (and more) closures for I-5 through downtown include a full northbound closure tonight into tomorrow morning.

7:51 AM UPDATE: Multiple reports of a crash – no injuries reported or responded to at this point but still multiple cars, blocking a lane – on the eastbound bridge from Fauntleroy.

8:12 AM: Can’t see it from the pedestrian walkover – so if it’s still not cleared, it’s somewhere east of there. Meantime, from comments, a crash reported at Delridge/Andover.

8:37 AM: Both of the aforementioned situations are reported to have cleared. Meantime, here’s a traffic view we hadn’t noticed before, via the city Travelers Info Map:

At right, that’s the former “Hole,” aka Spruce, as the view looks westbound on Alaska from Fauntleroy. We’ll add it to the cameras on the WSB Traffic page, along with anything else we find that we don’t already have.