(EDITOR’S NOTE: In mid-January, the 1/23 Design Review meeting was pushed back to 1/30)
Four more projects have been added to the Southwest Design Review Board‘s calendar for early next year.
Most notably, January 23rd 30th is tentatively scheduled for the board’s first look at 3824 California SW, the 30-unit project proposed for the two-and-a-half-years-vacant Charlestown Café site, first reported here six months ago. The 30 units are now described on the city website is now outlined as 17 live-work units and 13 townhouses. The tentative date for this review is 6:30 pm January
23 30, followed by, at 8 pm, the first look at 4505 42nd SW (here’s a map), 50 apartments over 4,500 square feet of retail and 16 parking spaces. That’s a change from our first report back in October.
Then, tentatively set for 6:30 pm February 6th, 4400 SW Alaska (map) goes back to the SWDRB; it is now described as 36 residential units, 4 live-work units, and 5 parking spaces. (Here’s our report on its July review.)
We’ve already mentioned that 3078 SW Avalon Way (map) is on the calendar to go back before the board at 6:30 pm January 16th; now a second project is added for 8 pm that night, 4433 42nd SW (here’s a map), 78 residential units, 2 live-work units, and a 52-space underground parking garage. It’s been reviewed twice previously.
All of the aforementioned reviews are penciled in for the Senior Center of West Seattle, which is where all the board’s meetings have been held for some months now, after several years of bouncing between various community-meeting rooms.
P.S. The city’s page explaining the Design Review program is here.