(Male harlequin duck, photographed by Mark Wangerin, who says they’re common here in winter)
First big weekend of holiday events! Please check our Holiday Guide and regular year-round Event Calendar for full details of everything happening today and beyond, but for starters, some highlights:
TRAFFIC REMINDER: SW Alaska is scheduled to be closed for construction/utility work between California and 42nd, until 10 tonight and again 7 am-10 pm Sunday. California and 42nd themselves will still go through. Added, after a trip to The Junction for a firsthand look: The sidewalk remains open on the north side of Alaska, so you can get to ALL the businesses there:

And Junction Plaza Park remains open/accessible too.
TURKEY/GROCERIES GIVEAWAY: Eastridge Church will give away hundreds of turkeys and bags of groceries starting at 9 am, no questions asked nor proof of need required. (39th/Oregon)
WEST SEATTLE BIKE CONNECTIONS CLEANUP: As noted here last night, West Seattle Bike Connections would be happy to have your company for their cleanup along the trail east of the low bridge, particularly focusing on the East Duwamish Waterway Fishing Pier. 9 am-noon, with those interested gathering for lunch at Chelan Café afterward.
DO SOMETHING GOOD FOR A DO-GOODER: 10 am-7 pm at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor), it’s an all-day benefit for fabled fundraiser/inspirational leader Tracy Dart, whose own medical bills and living expenses have stacked up. WSR is donating a percentage of sales, hosting a silent auction, and more, as detailed on the Facebook event page. (California/Charlestown)
JF HENRY OPEN HOUSE: Holiday Open House at JF Henry Cooking and Dining (WSB sponsor) in The Junction. 10 am-6 pm today (and 10 am-5 pm Sunday). Deals, demonstrations, treats, more – details here. (4445 California SW)
‘SANTA AL’ SIGHTING: During the JF Henry open house, we just found out this morning, “Santa Al” will make a brief appearance, Santa is making a brief stop today, 11:30 am-12:30 pm, during which he says he plans to “announce his holiday schedule for this December.”

(When we get it, Santa Al’s schedule will be added to the WSB Holiday Guide, in the Santa Photos section.)
SLHS BAZAAR: Seattle Lutheran High School Holiday Bazaar, in the gym, 10 am-4 pm; details here. (4100 SW Genesee)
FOOD DRIVE @ TRUE VALUE OPEN HOUSE: Holiday Open House and Food Drive at Junction True Value, 10 am-2 pm, featuring a food drive for the West Seattle Food Bank – bring nonperishable food to fill the bin! (4747 44th SW)
OPEN HOUSE AT CAPERS: Holiday Open House and Susan Goodwin Trunk Show at CAPERS in The Junction, 10 am-5 pm. (4525 California SW)
OPEN HOUSE AT NW ART/FRAME: Holiday Open House at Northwest Art & Frame in The Junction. 10 am-5:30 pm. (4733 California SW)
HANUKKAH TASTING EVENT: Metropolitan Market-Admiral (WSB sponsor) presents a tasting of food/beverages for you to consider for upcoming Hanukkah celebrations, 11 am-2 pm. (41st/Admiral/42nd)
THREAD OVER HEALS CLOTHING DRIVE: Clean out your closet and donate to benefit the Alzheimer’s Association! Event noon-3 pm at Alki Bathhouse is much more than a dropoff – our calendar listing has all the details. (60th/Alki)
COLLEGE ADMISSION WORKSHOP: 12th grader in the house? (We can relate.) Get help with college applications at Southwest Library, 1-6 pm. (35th/Henderson)
ROWHOUSE OPEN HOUSE: The Morgan 5.1 rowhouse townhomes have their first open house this afternoon, with pizza and coffee for attendees. Five-star Built Green, per broker Paul Poirier of Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Northwest Real Estate (WSB sponsor). 1-4 pm. (California/Myrtle)
FALL WINE RELEASE: Pre-Thanksgiving wine tasting and sale, Northwest Wine Academy at South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor), 2-7 pm. (6000 16th SW, north side of SSCC campus)
TOY LIBRARY: The second of two organizational meetings for a possible West Seattle Toy Library happens 3-4 pm at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor). If you’re interested but can’t make the meeting, check the discussion in comments following the story we published with the original announcement. (5612 California SW)
BEER CHURCH TURKEY BOWL: Beer Church‘s annual Turkey Bowl, 6-9 pm at West Seattle Bowl. Even if you’re not signed up to bowl, you’re invited to come by and bring a donation for the West Seattle Food Bank, try the Beer Church-branded ales, buy a raffle ticket, have a good time! (39th/Oregon)