West Seattle coyotes: Backyard sighting caught on camera

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Joe shared that photo a short time ago after spotting the coyote in a backyard in the 3900 block of 55th SW (map). “This one looks like a big one,” he observed. As always, a reminder – best thing to do if you see a coyote relatively close-up is to scare it away, yelling, waving your arms, throwing things. And as a state wildlife biologist told a recent meeting at West Seattle’s Camp Long, an even-more-important action to take to make sure people, pets, and coyotes stay apart is to reduce food sources – including pet food, bird feeders, unsecured trash. Here’s the official state info-sheet with more on all of the above advice, and then some.

17 Replies to "West Seattle coyotes: Backyard sighting caught on camera"

  • keith November 22, 2013 (2:28 pm)

    That’s a wolf yo.

    • WSB November 22, 2013 (2:52 pm)

      Now THAT would be breaking news.

  • payrollgirl November 22, 2013 (4:46 pm)

    WOW that does look like a wolf!!!

  • Jackie November 22, 2013 (5:33 pm)

    I saw it this morning on SW Thistle about 2 blocks from Sealth High school

  • WS Family November 22, 2013 (5:35 pm)

    Explains the missing cat posters on every telephone pole in West Seattle – certainly a very well-fed coyote – or wolf. We have watched coyotes hunting in backyards, sniffing under back porches…

  • Eric1 November 22, 2013 (6:14 pm)

    Wow that is a nice looking coyote. Not a wolf, snout is a bit pointy and the longer and thinner legs make it likely a coyote.
    Keep your cats and the snack sized dogs inside.

  • Coyote spotter November 22, 2013 (9:32 pm)

    Saw my first coyote today down by beach drive and Lowman beach this evening at about 4:00. It was kind of cool!!

  • 935 November 22, 2013 (9:42 pm)

    That is an aggressive stance. looks to have little to no fear.
    wish that ‘yote would come to my backyard – one less songdog to worry about and I’d have a sweet pelt.

  • Tony November 23, 2013 (7:58 am)

    I didn’t think coywolves range came this far west, but it sure looks like one. Could explain why people are always commenting about how big and healthy they look. Coywolves are a hybrid between coyote and wolf – extensively documented as an urban species. You can read about them on the national geographic website.

  • Michelle November 23, 2013 (6:29 pm)

    For those who don’t like wildlife: move. Move to a center city with nothing but concrete. Please leave our happy nature cohabitation alone

  • Brian November 23, 2013 (6:47 pm)

    My neighbors saw a coyote sunning himself in my yard this afternoon. Right next to the Eddy Street Ravine.

  • Rich November 25, 2013 (12:37 am)

    I saw one on 48th Ave SW between Charlestown and Andover last night. He was coming right for my small dog who was in my front yard. It was dark, and at first I thought it was one of the neighborhood cats, but then I realized it was a coyote. I had to shoo him away. I’ve seen them near the golf course but never in my neighborhood before.

  • les November 26, 2013 (1:53 am)

    In the Fairmount ravine we hear excited yipping and howling every night, often so close it’s as if they’re in the yard. I’m pretty sure they’re taking down prey, and the other night it sounded like they got a dog. Any reports of coyotes killing a dog recently?

  • Tony November 26, 2013 (2:16 pm)

    @Michelle. In fact, I was here first. Seriously. I was born in West Seattle and grew up playing in the greenbelts, and there were no coyotes. Why is my safety in my back yard less important than your happy nature cohabitation from your kitchen window?

  • Judy November 27, 2013 (4:03 pm)

    Had a coyote in my backyard this afternoon about 1/2 hour ago. 6300 block of 21st SW. As soon as he saw me, he galloped away. Keep your kitties and small dogs inside.

  • John December 7, 2013 (4:08 pm)

    2013/12/7, 2:00pm, Bonaire Drive SW green belt.
    We saw a big coyote, larger than a German Shepard, a wolf?
    It was bold and approached the three of us (adults). We retreated to the car.

  • Paula December 9, 2013 (9:37 pm)

    Spotted a small coyote at 48th SW and SW Dawson around 7pm. It then came back around through the alley and headed west down SW Dawson St.

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