West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday
(Photos by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
10:04 PM: Fire crews are at a residence in the 4500 block of 41st SW in The Junction for what they describe as a “tapped dryer fire.” But they’re also acknowledging there’s lots of “residual smoke.”
10:29 PM: WSB contributor Christopher Boffoli checked out the fire scene and reports no one was hurt; he saw SFD “haul the smoking dryer out of the house.”
A second project is now on the Southwest Design Review Board‘s agenda for November 21st, in addition to 3210 California SW: The city’s tentative schedule for that night now shows the second and potentially final review for 3078 Avalon Way SW, now described on the city project page as an 8-story, 108-apartment, 61-parking-space proposal. That’s fewer spaces than were mentioned when it passed Early Design Guidance in its first board review in September 2012, from which the image at left was taken (as noted then, this is in the zone where new construction isn’t required to have any on-site parking at all). As shown in WSB coverage of the September 2012 meeting, a sizable group of neighbors has been following the project closely, and expanded its attention to other proposals in the area; most live on 32nd SW, a single-family-home neighborhood just north of the project site. The tentative plan for the November 21st meeting is for 3210 California to be reviewed at 6:30 pm, 3078 Avalon at 8, at the Senior Center of West Seattle (California/Oregon in The Junction).
In the wake of Saturday’s semi-annual Duwamish Alive! cleanup day, you have the chance tomorrow night to join in a discussion about the river’s future – not just the bigger cleanups that are happening now and in the future, but also the vision for what it should be. Sustainable West Seattle is convening the conversation, to be moderated by “Diver Laura” James, who shared the photo above from the start of Saturday’s cleanup (including kayaks loaned for the occasion by West Seattle’s Alki Kayak Tours). Reps from the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition will be there too, as well as other organizations with a stake in the river’s future, but this isn’t just about the experts – it’s about you. Come to C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor) Monday night, 7-9 pm.
(WSB photos and video by co-publishers Patrick Sand and Tracy Record)
2:28 PM: From cake judging to drumming to pumpkin-painting, the Fauntleroy Fall Festival is on! 9100 block of California SW (Fauntleroy Church, Y, Schoolhouse), both sides of the street:
Even behind the schoolhouse – which is where you’ll find the critters, including Gideon the miniature donkey and Buttercup the miniature horse:
Don’t miss a thing, now until 5:30 pm. Even if you’re from elsewhere on the peninsula, friendly folks like Fauntleroy Community Association president David Haggerty are here to welcome you:
Lots of activities to keep kids busy – this is no spectator festival! They can build birdboxes:
That’s in the church parking lot, where you’ll find some of the live music until the big tent, too. (added) Here’s a quick Instagram clip of Lauren Petrie, popular for playing at dances around West Seattle and beyond:
Festival info’s all in our West Seattle Sunday preview.
6:03 PM: Festival’s over; we’re continuing to add photos and video. Here’s Dance! West Seattle (headquartered in Fauntleroy Schoolhouse, performing today in the Fauntleroy Church Fellowship Hall):
That’s from their preview of the annual “Magical Doll Maker” holiday production, as explained here. Back across at The Hall, the cakewalk was a hot ticket:
It followed the judging of cakes created by community members – the big winner, this owl cake:
The owl cake was the creation of Aine McMahon-Grace:
In addition to Aine’s creation, the ferry cake caught our eye:
And there was a “beginners” category including these two:
Back over in the church parking lot, central festival venue, the Endolyne Joe’s (WSB sponsor) booth was selling pulled-pork sandwiches, with Elliot (below, center) on hand to help:
Fall in Fauntleroy is also about celebrating salmon, and again this year, creek/watershed steward Judy Pickens assisted young festivalgoers in the creation and decoration of salmon hats:
You can help call the salmon home by joining the annual drumming/singing event at the Fauntleroy Creek Overlook (across from the ferry dock) next Sunday (October 27th), 5 pm.
Back to today’s festival – other volunteers in action included Kathleen Steele and Pat inside the Fauntleroy Y (WSB sponsor):
Outside, FCA board member Kathleen Dellplain was on balloon duty:
And it’s not the Fauntleroy Fall Festival without a stiltwalker sighting:
Also with a great overview of the festival – young wall-climbers!
Remember the pumpkin-painting at the start of our story? By mid-afternoon, there were painted pumpkins aplenty:
Besides the mentioned-earlier salmon-homecoming event next Sunday, lots more coming up in Fauntleroy – watch fauntleroy.net (and the WSB calendar) for event updates, including between-festivals fundraisers for the FFF.
The spokesperson for the unions that have given strike notice to QFC, Safeway, Albertsons, and Fred Meyer says no deal yet. That’s from a media-advisory e-mail sent by Tom Geiger, who says about 30 hours remain in the 72-hour notice given to the chains on Friday night; he also says workers plan a rally at 7 tonight by the “countdown clock” set up at Westlake Park downtown. A strike would NOT affect Metropolitan Market, Thriftway, or PCC (WSB sponsors), though they are unionized; they have separate contracts with their workers.
More simple additions for your “Go Bag” – what you need to get by in case of catastrophe – as we arrive at Day 20 of our day-by-day packing project, in honor of Washington State Diaster Preparedness Month. Today’s instructions from West Seattle Be Prepared:
You’ve been packing food; time to put in plastic silverware, plates, bowls and/or assorted plastic containers with lids. I would recommend 1 plastic plate, one spork, and one plastic container with lid per person, but most folks have paper plates on hand and those would work as well. A small kitchen knife could be added. You don’t have to stock up a kitchen – just something to hold that soup and canned foods you’ve put in.
Catching up? Previous installments are archived in reverse-chronological order here. Plus – get another preparedness-info boost at Tuesday’s meeting of the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network – go here for details.
The most recent West Seattle coyote reports shared by WSB readers:
*From Greg this morning: “Saw a few coyotes today at Brandon and 29th along the Longfellow Creek entrance.” [map]
*From Christopher on Saturday afternoon: “Pretty sure I just saw a coyote in the alley between Fauntleroy and 39th and Graham and Morgan.” [map]
*From Karen on Friday: “2 coyotes seen on 98th & 39th Ave SW, 5:30 pm Friday Oct. 18th, just 2 blocks off the top of Fauntleroy Park.” [map]
*From Chris, also early Friday evening: “Just saw a lone coyote poking around in the alley behind our house at 30th and Webster. It headed off down Webster.” [map]
*And on Thursday, Rachael reported that her “neighbor just saw a coyote on 10th & Elmgrove in Highland Park.” [map]
To wrap up this roundup, something new: Ron, who reads WSB daily from his residence in Mexico, sends “coyote news from elsewhere” on occasion. This week, he e-mailed a link from TV’s “Dog Whisperer,” headlined Five Ways to Keep Your Dogs Safe From Coyotes.
Thanks to Joan for the reminder that the state is midway through a public-comment period on whether to charge tolls on the I-90 bridge, so if you have an opinion, now’s the time to share it. This week, there are two public meetings – 4:30-7:30 pm tomorrow at Mercer Island High School, 4-7 pm Wednesday at the Northwest African American School in Seattle. Full details on both are on this page, along with links where you can sign up NOW to speak at either meeting. You can also comment by e-mail: i90eiscomments@wsdot.wa.gov.
Tolling has been proposed on I-90 to, in part, raise money for the new 520 bridge; this PDF includes more on this round of the comment process as well as the options that are under consideration – not with price tags, but with configurations, such as “just toll from Seattle to Mercer Island” or “just toll the HOV lanes.” This round of commenting runs through November 6th; a final decision is expected in 2015.
(Lincoln Park in the fog, by Michelle Riggen-Ransom, shared via the WSB Flickr group)
Not far from where that photo was taken, Fauntleroy’s big Fall Festival happens this afternoon, and it’s at the heart of today’s highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
CITYWIDE TRAFFIC ALERTS: In a Saturday comment, GMT mentioned that 4th is closed at Jackson on the south side of downtown; that northbound detour, scheduled to be in effect until late tonight, is part of the citywide-alerts roundup you can see here if you’re planning on heading off-peninsula today.
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: The market is in its usual spot 10 am-2 pm today BUT remember that NEXT Sunday (October 27), it will move into the streets as part of the second annual West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival. (44th/Alaska)
WORK PARTY AT CHINESE GARDEN: 10 am-noon, you are invited to help keep the grounds of the Seattle Chinese Garden beautiful. It’s just north of the South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor) campus. (6000 16th SW)
GEAR SWAP, DAY 2: 11 am-3 pm, Mountain to Sound Outfitters‘ annual winter gear swap concludes. Not at the store – a few doors down, at American Legion Post 160 Hall. (3618 SW Alaska)
DAKOTA PLACE PARK NEEDS YOU! The park just north of The Junction can use some TLC going into late fall/winter, so your help 1-3 pm today will be much appreciated. Details here. (California/Dakota)
FAUNTLEROY FALL FESTIVAL: 2-5:30 pm today, in and around Fauntleroy Schoolhouse and Fauntleroy Church/Y! Music, performances, pumpkin-painting, pony rides, a percussion jam for teens … Lots of info in our previews:
*Festival lineup here
*Focus on “green” activities and music here
*Dance! West Seattle preview here
*Baking a cake to bring for the cakewalk (pre-festival)? Info here
The venues are right across the street from each other, 9131 and 9140 California SW (map); there’s parking behind the schoolhouse, and the RapidRide C Line stops right by the church/schoolhouse. See you there!
WEST SEATTLE COOKING CLUB: The theme for today’s meeting is “On a Stick,” so cook a recipe that qualifies and bring it to the 3 pm WSCC meetup at Beveridge Place Pub. (6419 California SW)
LIVE MUSIC AND MORE ON THE CALENDAR … what we’ve spotlighted above is only PART of what’s up today/tonight; go here for the rest.