Two community-group cleanups tomorrow are asking for your help – first, one we haven’t mentioned before, the Junction Neighborhood Organization‘s first monthly cleanup since its recent relaunch. They’ll gather just outside Junction QFC at 42nd/Alaska and go across the street to clean up Junction Plaza Park 9 am-noon. Equipment provided! JuNO’s René Commons says, “We are joining forces to support Molly Connelly, a neighborhood volunteer who regularly helps maintain the park.” Drain-stenciling kits will be available too; kids welcome to come help out.
Also tomorrow, 9 am-1 pm, it’s the volunteer-powered cleanup at Walking on Logs and vicinity along the southwest end of the West Seattle Bridge – full details are in the announcement we published last week. Organizer Nancy Driver says today that “significant rain” will cancel, but if there’s only light rain, it’s still on; whatever the weather conditions, please wear footwear suitable for mud.
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