You can help! Admiral Neighborhood Association Adopt-A-Street tomorrow

Hit the streets! Tomorrow (Saturday) morning, 9 am-noon, the Admiral Neighborhood Association would love to have your help with their Adopt-A-Street cleanup in the Admiral/California area. Treats provided before and after by Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor), which is also where you will meet ANA members to get started – equipment and bags provided, of course. Look for them outside the store’s main entrance, off 41st/Admiral.

3 Replies to "You can help! Admiral Neighborhood Association Adopt-A-Street tomorrow"

  • Wilma September 13, 2013 (8:49 pm)

    Thank you ANA For keeping our neighborhood beautiful. We should all pick it up when we see it on our streets. If we don’t who will?

  • Rockford Columbo September 14, 2013 (9:24 am)

    ANA and Whoever Cares – I, Rockford Columbo, have observed tent campers in the greenbelt along the West side of Admiral Way near where the old foundation is located. The old foundation that was covered with soil a few years back to keep graffiti at bay. Saw people on bikes hauling a bunch of stuff in and out of there a couple weeks ago.

  • NW September 14, 2013 (6:57 pm)

    Would have made it to the cleanup of admiral district as I have in the past but unable the coffee deserts fruits and lunch that Met Market provides to volunteers is really nice deserved for all the volunteers hard work usually their is extra as unfortunately participation is low. Thank you WSB for letting the public know about this here prior to the actual day it happens as is usually the case.

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