West Seattle Friday: Family Night at the Y; Schmitz Park outdoor movie; football; Yom Kippur begins…

September 13, 2013 10:42 am
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So pretty, we wanted to share it here on this foggy morning – Danny McMillin‘s view of Puget Sound, the Olympics, and the Foss tug Pacific Star with a barge post-sunset last night. Meanwhile, it’s the second-to-last Friday the 13th of 2013…

SCHOOL BENEFIT SALE: It’s a big weekend of garage/rummage sales, and one is already under way – until 4 pm, the first day of a 3-day sale benefiting Shorewood Christian School (but not AT the school; it’s at 56th/Charlestown)

BLOOD DONATIONS: Puget Sound Blood Center has a mobile unit at PCC Natural Markets-West Seattle (WSB sponsor) today until 3 pm (closed 11 am-noon), walkups welcome. (California/Stevens)

FAMILY NIGHT AT THE Y: This free event is open to the community, not just West Seattle Family YMCA (WSB sponsor) members – open swim, kids’ gym, more, 6-8 pm. (4515 36th SW)

RESCHEDULED OUTDOOR MOVIE: No chance of rain in tonight’s forecast, so the benefit outdoor screening of “Epic” at Schmitz Park Elementary is back on, as noted here earlier this week. Gates at 6:15 pm, movie around 7:30 pm. (50th/Spokane)

MAGIC SHOW AT ALKI COMMUNITY CENTER: Come to Alki Community Center for this show and be amazed – 6:30 pm; info in our listing. (5817 SW Stevens)

ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION FUNDRAISER: Bunco Night and silent auction at the Senior Center of West Seattle, 7 pm, raising money for Alzheimer’s research – details in our calendar listing. (California/Oregon)

HIGH-SCHOOL FOOTBALL: Two games in West Seattle tonight – both at 7 pm: WSHS vs. Seattle Prep at West Seattle Stadium (4432 35th SW); Chief Sealth vs. Cleveland at SW Athletic Complex (2801 SW Thistle).

YOM KIPPUR WITH KOL HANESHAMAH: Kol Nidre at 7 pm, St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church. Also find details of tomorrow’s Yom Kippur events on the Kol HaNeshamah (WSB sponsor) website. (California/Hanford)

YOM KIPPUR WITH WEST SEATTLE TLC: 7:15 pm prayer service – details here, including how to RSVP for location info.

Find even more on our calendar!

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