Here’s a round of recent West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports. First, yet another vehicle theft (besides the 2 reported here on Tuesday). From Andy:
Our car was stolen (Monday) night from in front of our home. We live a block off California on 44th, near the West Seattle Nursery. It’s a 1995 black Honda Civic hatchback, license number ACY9729.
(added 4:31 pm) Just got word from Nicole of a burglary today:
Just a heads up to let you know there was a burglary on the 5400 block of 46th SW at around noon today. My parents’ place was broken into while my mom was away for about 20 minutes to run an errand. House was locked.
(back to original report) Kathleen warns of car prowling at Jack Block Park (the incident happened last Thursday night):
…I wanted to let you know my purse was stolen out of my car at Jack Block last night (super quick smash and grab). I really want to report it not only to bring attention to be hyper-vigilant in this area (and not leave your purse in the car — duh) but really, I loved my purse so I am wanting to see if anyone in that area on a walk, etc. saw it. If anyone does see it, if they can let me know, that would be great. (“Roots” brand, tan nice leather “messenger bag” style with long thick strap and 2 pockets.) Hoping they tossed it in the bushes. BTW, I had 3 cards and they tried all 3 at Shell Station on CA and at Delridge Mini Mart. The Port police said it is the same place they have used others, so they think they know who it is.
And bikes both stolen and found – starting with Brianna‘s report of a stolen bike Sunday morning in The Junction:
… My bike was stolen from outside Great Harvest Bakery in the Alaska Junction. It was a 45-46 cm Raleigh women’s Revenio road bike, with it was a bright blue helmet. The bike is mostly black with blue and white details.
Sue is hoping to find her bike stolen 3 weeks ago:
My beautiful blue/black carbon Lemond Zurich T- 04 woman’s road bike was stolen from a secure condo garage along Beach Drive, where it hung bolted and locked on a concrete wall. Serial #WL3149448, registered with the police on 1/14/2005. Blue Bontrager tires, Terry gel saddle, lights, bag, pump, U lock, etc. I rode hundreds of miles in events like Cycle Oregon and loved this bike. It fit me like a glove. Please watch out for it and tell your friends to do the same. Thanks!
Ahead, a found bike and found scooter – might or might not be crime-related – both with photos:
Here’s the bicycle reported found – John found this one in Longfellow Creek, where he’s found others before:
Stolen? If so, consider commenting with a report # so a reunion can be attempted; he has rescued it from the creek and says it’s in pretty good shape.
Last but not least, a scooter found in the alley behind the boarded-up house at 36th and Morgan:
Stolen? See above. (And remember that SPD is now tweeting about recovered bicycles, at @getyourbikeback.) Meantime, lost-and-found items that might not necessarily be crime-related can always be posted in the WSB Forums. (But if it’s a lost/found pet, there’s a page for that.)