West Seattle weekend scenes: 34th Dems’ garden party

Just a few of the sightings at the 34th District Democrats‘ annual Garden Party in the bright Friday night sunshine at West Seattle Nursery: Above, guest auctioneer and City Council President Sally Clark with the 34th Dems’ hospitality chair Mike Heavey; another of the elected officials on hand, 34th District State Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon:

The 34th DDs’ State Committeeman Chris Porter was decked out in the spirit of this year’s party theme, “Fiesta”:

Busy weekend for the group – they plan to table at today’s Delridge Day festival, along with more than 70 other organizations and businesses (including us!).

1 Reply to "West Seattle weekend scenes: 34th Dems' garden party"

  • NW August 17, 2013 (6:32 pm)

    Some of these folks that attended this is why crime is so rampant in this city. Tell them to their face or write them in how dissatisfied you are with transportation overbuilding and growing crime. Top of the page first with old sally.

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