West Seattle Crime Watch followup: Serial burglar pleads guilty

(WSB photo from 48th/Findlay arrest scene last February)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Half a year ago, you might recall the saga of what appeared to be a one-man burglary wave – 25-year-old Justin Wood, arrested twice, for two burglaries, one week apart, while he was already facing prosecution for another, and then confessing to more than 20 more break-ins. Wood’s bail eventually was set at an extraordinarily high amount for a “nonviolent criminal” – half a million dollars.

We lost track of Wood’s case until a WSB’er’s note last night informing us he had pleaded guilty and is awaiting sentencing. So we dug up the court documents to find out more about the plea bargain struck in this case:

Last Thursday, Wood pleaded guilty to seven counts of residential burglary, one count of attempted residential burglary, and two counts of theft of a firearm, from incidents between September of last year and February of this year, all at residences in West Seattle. The burglaries to which he has confessed happened all over the peninsula, from North Admiral to Westwood, according to addresses and summaries in the court documents, which say some loot was recovered, but a lot was pawned, apparently so Wood could feed a heroin habit. He was found in possession of heroin during one of his final arrests back in February. Some of the burglaries were committed while he was out on personal recognizance after a December arrest for a November burglary last year.

Documents show the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office plans to recommend a variety of concurrent sentences that, if the judge agrees, will add up to 8 1/2 years total. Wood’s sentencing is scheduled for October. He’s been back in jail six months as of tomorrow, with his bail still at that half-million-dollar level set shortly after he went back in.

14 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch followup: Serial burglar pleads guilty"

  • Alberto August 21, 2013 (7:36 pm)

    It would be helpful if we could see a photo of the thief.

    • WSB August 21, 2013 (8:33 pm)

      None available.

  • Nemabs August 21, 2013 (9:35 pm)

    Hope he can get & stay clean while in jail…

  • Dale August 21, 2013 (9:43 pm)

    Addiction. A powerful reminder of the waves of destruction it leaves.

  • a August 21, 2013 (11:52 pm)

    addiction is an excuse. This guy is a thief. Plenty of people who are successful are addicted to something. Hell even people who aren’t successful and are addicts don’t resort to breaking into people’s houses and robbing them of their possessions and their sense of security. Bottom line is this guy is a p.o.s. and I hope prison is very hard on him no pun intended.

  • Westseattlelady August 22, 2013 (12:37 am)

    Justin was a good kid who took a wrong turn. I went to school with him at Seattle Lutheran high school! Addiction makes people do things they wouldn’t normally do if they weren’t high! I’m sorry Justin that life hit you hard like this. I really hope you learn from this and change your ways so you can live a life helping people.

  • Dale August 22, 2013 (9:07 am)

    I agree with a portion of what you said @a. It is an excuse. He has no excuse for taking Heroin. Once he did, then he had no control of what happens. He is not thinking normally and the addiction for more only fueled his need for $ to obtain Heroin from what I can see.

  • TimeToStopThisBS August 22, 2013 (11:44 am)

    Sober up. Was a good kid? Doesn’t matter, thats over now. He made his own choices – no one forced him to become a junky. And the fact that he made his addiction the responsibility of ALL the victims of his crimes has got to be punished as harshly as possible. This scumbag is a waste of space and we’ll see what a prison stay does for him – wouldn’t count on him being any different when he comes out – except for the fact that he’ll just be an OLDER, ANGRIER junky scumbag thief who’s spent time with hard criminals and has a whole new set of skills to help him resume his career where he left off. He needs to go away much, much longer than 8.5 years.

  • Westseattlelady August 22, 2013 (12:56 pm)

    Wow timetostopthisbs you are such an angry person. I hope you find happiness in your life. Calling names is so childish. I hope the time he serves does change him. 8.5 years is plenty long enough when we have such little room in our jails and prisons for murders and rapest. :)

  • Jaywalk August 22, 2013 (1:45 pm)

    One of the houses he broke into was mine. He smashed in the dog door in the backyard. Fortunately, the dogs were out with my Mother-in-law.

    Until you’re a victim of a burglary, perhaps you should suspend judgement on whether his sentence is too long because he wasn’t violent. I was 15 minutes late in catching him. He had my handgun. Who knows what this junkie would have done. Perhaps he would have assaulted or murdered. Perhaps westseattlelady, it’s okay that prison is overpopulated with the likes of him.

  • Neighbor August 22, 2013 (2:44 pm)

    Don’t pawn shops have some sort of responsibility in all this!? Why do they keep taking valuables in from the same guy!? How many computers, TVs can I person have? It’s like the recycled metals dealers that buy copper wire.

  • Jim P. August 22, 2013 (4:13 pm)

    Concurrent sentencing is like getting a bulk rate on your crimes. Burglarizing three houses needs to carry three times the penalty as doing it once.

    Anything less just encourages the little ****s as it rewards them having a busy and lively schedule.

  • meetoo September 5, 2013 (10:35 am)

    For all you Guilty finger pointers who chime in on condemning people like you are his Judge, Just remember this That you yourselves will be shown the same Mercy that you have shown others while here on earth. If you are not Merciful to other sinners(which we all are) you will not be shown Mercy
    You will give an account of every Idle word spoken or typed. You rail your opinions of him like the Devil himself
    So on your day of Judgement you will stand before God more guilty than this guy who got caught and paid the price for his sins here on Earth.
    What will your sins cost you?? where will your cell be?
    What will your excuse be? I would rather stand before God as a drunkard or an addict pleading for mercy than to go before him sober in my right my with NO excuse at all
    Put your Blazing Guns away (hate filled words) and get on your face before God and repent for kicking on someone when they are down.
    You are full of words without knowledge and have no understanding of the condemnation you are heaping on People that you yourself are JUST AS GUILTY of…You just haven’t been caught yet
    Let him who is without Sin cast the first stone.Be sure of this YOUR SINS WILL FIND YOU OUT..Will you want to be slandered like this when they do? Then you’d better change your tune and start singing about Grace and Mercy..Only one thing Trumps Judgment and that is Mercy.
    Have Mercy on me O God a SINNER. According to your kindness O God blot out my transgressions.

    None are Good No Not One.

    ALL HAVE SINNED and have fallen short of the Glory of God…

  • Jaywalk September 6, 2013 (10:02 am)

    Also, I’ll judge him because he stole from me. Can I forgive? Sure, when I get my $3,500 back.

Sorry, comment time is over.